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Re: CF: ideas for next experiments

Peter Mardahl wrote:
> Not really true.  The following spells work against magic-immune creatures:
> magic bullet,
> large bullet,
> bullet storm/swarm,
> comet,
> meteor swarm,
> create bomb.
> Or at least these spells worked at one time.

    Not any more.  The act of casting adds magic to their attacktype, then
when they hit, magic immunity causes the whole attack to be discarded
because it had a magical source.

    The spells that do work against magic-immune creatures are:
summon golem
summon air elemental
summon fire elemental
summon water elemental
summon earth elemental
summon pet monster
build bullet wall
build lightning wall
build fireball wall

and soon dancing sword and animate weapon.

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==

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