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Re: CF: Long term experimental ideas

>From: David Andrew Michael Noelle <>
>Subject: Re: CF: Long term experimental ideas
>Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 12:52:39 -0500
>Doug wilder wrote:
> > One problem with monster races is the icon. Hill Giants can not
> > fit in most maps.
>     Well, it's not exactly the icon, it's the fact that Hill Giants
>are multi-part objects.  There are actually two seperate objects that make 
>up a Hill Giant, the head and the feet.  In addition to
>being extremely limited in the number of doorways he could get
>through, a Hill Giant player would only be able to pick up or
>activate objects under the head part, meaning
>anything lying against a south wall is forever inaccessible.  Multi
>-part players isn't going to happen any time soon.
>     If you want to add Ogre as a player race, there shouldn't be any
>problem.  I think that's about as giant as it gets, though.
> > I wouldn't mind seeing some more options for characters, how about 
>     That depends...  If you mean Druids as a class, how exactly
>would that differ from Priests?  Aren't Druids just priests of
>Gaea?  If you mean adding another of these awkward race/class-combo
>things we have now, I'd rather not add to those while there's a
>plan on the table to replace them with seperate races and classes.
>             -Dave Noelle,                 

You could possibly add baby trolls to the list along with ogres. You know 
those little brown buggers with clubs.

Well, you could look at druids as clerics i guess or you could give them 
other spells to use.

wall of wood
summon ent

im sure we could come up with some good ones if we wanted. but it was only a 

Also, let me get this straight.

you roll up your character
decide which race you are
go to a guild and join to get your class
your guild would then give you your starting items (Idea: maybe a quest too)
you could then join a religion (if you wanted or had to according to class)

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