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Re: CF: Long term experimental ideas

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:

> Doug wilder wrote:
> > One problem with monster races is the icon. Hill Giants can not fit in most
> > maps. 
>     Well, it's not exactly the icon, it's the fact that Hill Giants are
> multi-part objects.  There are actually two seperate objects that make up a
> Hill Giant, the head and the feet.  In addition to being extremely limited
> in the number of doorways he could get through, a Hill Giant player would
> only be able to pick up or activate objects under the head part, meaning
> anything lying against a south wall is forever inaccessible.  Multi-part
> players isn't going to happen any time soon.
>     If you want to add Ogre as a player race, there shouldn't be any
> problem.  I think that's about as giant as it gets, though.

Hmm. If we implement footprints instead (as in my just-posted mail) this
shouldn't be a problem. A hill giant's footprint still covers only one square.
The only thing is, if we start getting into larger monsters, we'd need to do
something to fix this problem. (Larger monsters may not have single-square

For one, I'd *really* like to be able to play a large monster. Like a Dread or
something. Perhaps for some monster classes we can even have a ranking system,
like you start out as a beholder, then eventually get promoted into a Dread,
which gives you more innate abilities, etc.. This is probably out of reach
with the current code, but I'd still like to have something like this in the
future. I think it's just so much more interesting when players can play the
monsters (and I'm talking about monsters in general, not just a select few),
not just the traditional humanoid classes. There are enough games out there
where you can play as a humanoid character. Time to have something new.


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