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Re: CF: Prot/chaos, Efficiency, and Portals (was Re: ideas for next experiments)

>>>>[From David Andrew Michael Noelle]
        Agreed.  The solution I'm proposing is this:
    1) When either Word of Recall or a first Portal are cast, they create
    two matching invisible markers, with the player's name in their title
    field, and drop one.

What about a different approach:

[I'm abusing the name of the existing items. dont let that throw you ;-)]

Player picks up a "Word of Recall" scroll.
Player goes to his apartment/town square/whatever.
Player reads scroll.
Scroll then CHANGES to a "word of return" or something scroll,
  that has its attributes changed to point to where the player
  read the initial "Word of Recall" scroll.

I think this is more clean than having various marker objects.

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