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RE: CF: Long term experimental ideas

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, dragonm wrote:

> Tell it, brotha'!  :)  The same "ranking system", as you call it, occured to
> me.  Am I correct in assuming you're not a programmer?

Excuse me?! Programming is my way of killing time. One of my programs was
actually sold in a bookstore. And right now I'm programming for a website
project... I guess I don't normally "sound" as a programmer, huh? :-)

>  If not, how about we make that your task.  Go through all of the available
> creatures, and map out promotion ramps.  I.e. Beholder to Dread, Demon to
> Greater Demon, etc.

Hmm, one thing about this promotion ramp business... if we allow things like
getting from "tiny" demon to big demon to greater demon, people might start
not liking the humanoid races, since there is no similar "ego boost" when your
character gets promoted to have a different look. I guess we'll need ramps for
humanoid players as well...

>  See if you can make three stage ramps.  If such isn't available, (like,
> there are only baby electric dragons and mature electric dragons), start
> filling in new intermediate stages, like adolescent electric dragon.  Come
> up with appropriate names and numerical attributes and spell improvements
> and post 'em.

Sure, sounds like an interesting thing to do... except that if we're thinking
of removing many of the current monsters, there might not be much point
creating promotion ramps for them. Can people kinda pick out what kinds of
monsters are elimination candidates, so that I won't have to do unnecessary

> While you're at it, give some thought to our humanoid races.  And bear in
> mind the seperation of race and class that has been proposed.  I think
> that's going through, eventually.  A Dread Cleric is a bizarre idea, but it
> IS a thought.  Maybe denying certain classes to certain races should be
> done, as much as I abhore the idea of hard coding such arbitrary limits.  In
> any case, the capability of having player Dreads should demonstrate to us
> what would happen if the AI for an NPC Dread were made smarter.  We'll
> probably uncover loads more imbalances along the way.

Hmm, one way to not have such arbitrary limits is to let Dreads only have
access to magic spells, not prayer spells. (Though this itself is pretty
arbitrary as well. :-P )


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