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Re: CF: Object decay, wear, and repair (Was Re: World Map)

[Mark Wedel]

I agree with all of your comments.  So IMO this condenses down to:

    * CASTING_TIME - makes spells take time to cast

    * NO_CONE_PROPOGATE - makes cone spells stop at the first monster

    * NOT_PERMADEATH - should death be the final end or not?

    * STAT_LOSS_ON_DEATH - toggle between stat loss or stat depletion

    * SPELL_ENCUMBRANCE -- weapons or wearing heavy armour may cause
      you to fumble spells.

    * SPELL_FAILURE_EFFECTS - fumbling spells has nasty effects.

It's interesting to note that most of these make life harder for magic

Some comments on the other options:

>    * RANDOM_ENCOUNTERS - add in special encounter maps?
>   	Had a recent discussion on this.  Seems this is less likely to
>   be needed in the future.  Having it on does allow for an unlimited
>   oppurtunity to kill stuff.

Low level characters get a good supply of easy monsters and moderate
equipment (like long sword +2).  This doesn't really affect tuning the
game, I think.

Seems like most people prefer to turn it off.  Also, the method used
for creating the encounter maps is very simplistic compared to the new
random map generator.  So I think the code should be removed for the
time being, although I personally like the idea of random encounters.
I would like to see a way of specifying that on this spot, a there is
an N% chance of encountering a random map of difficulty level M.  This
could be embedded in the grass archetypes or similar, or it could be
an invisible exit.  Or an invisible trigger and an invisible exit.
The downside to this is that it's a bit of a hassle for a map designer
to add.  The upside is that we won't get random encounters where the
map designer hadn't foreseen it.

>    * REAL_WIZ - changes wiz stuff to be more mudlike.
>   	May or may not change gameplay, depending on how the wizard
>   are implemented and what they do.

I think this should always be turned on.  If you have a wizard
(i.e. DM) character, you should be careful with your powers, but you
should be able to clone stuff and give it away, I think.

>    * SEARCH_ITEMS - let players search for items on the ground
>   	Doesn't really affect gameplay.  Arguably, this should be a
>   	client issue.

I think this was turned off since it was buggy.  I agree, it should be
a client issue (in contrast with the pickup modes).

>    * SIMPLE_EXP - uses simpler experience system
>   	Simplifies the exp system, and as such, changes the amount of
>   exp awarded for killing stuff and other tasks.

So should this system or the default system be used as the basis for
tuning?  I haven't looked at SIMPLE_EXP at all.

Kjetil T.
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