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Re: Fanmail (was: RE: CF: ideas for next experiments)

[Rick Tanner]

>   July: 154 
>   Aug: 178 
>   Sept: 85 (so far..)


>   Nice.  So we are in fact talking about hundreds of players.  But
>   probably not talking about thousands.  That's nice to know.

We have approx. 40-50 downloads per week here at

Crossfire is included in SuSE (although they're still at 0.93.5), so
I'd expect some people to install it that way, too.  I have always
bought my copy of SuSE in the local book store, it didn't occur to me
that I might be eligible for a free copy.  I don't mind giving money
to SuSE anyway :-)

Kjetil T.

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