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CF: More roleplaying

Hi all,

I've sort of half following the discussions on making crossfire less
hacknslash.. I like hack and slash, but I'd also like to see a bit more
thought in the game.  While I don't have time to really help too much, I'd
like to at least throw this idea out..  what about embedding a perl
interpreter to do AI ?  It's relatively easy to wrap perl functions around a
C API.. you could just create a fairly simple API for controlling monsters,
and then have ways to trigger the perl functions.  This would allow you to
script monster movements, conversations etc..  you could get some pretty
smart monsters actually :)

If I were writing the game from scratch, I would seriously consider taking
the approach of having every character controllable through the same API,
and then using perl to control the monsters, and of course, the client to
control the players.

Anyway, 2c :)

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