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CF: Clerical "spell" scrolls

>  Its one of those questions I have thought about for AD&D play - for clerical
> type spells on scrolls, who is really granting that prayer?  Similar applies 
> crossfire - for clerical prayer scrolls, which god is actually granting that
> prayer?
>  I dont want to deal with having each scroll for a specific god.  But it does
> seem like a big issue to require a player to have a god if he wants to use
> higher level cleric spells, even if they are from scrolls.

That's true, you'd think a scroll of one god wouldn't work for a
player of the opposing religion!

Either we should get rid of clerical scrolls entirely, and maybe
make some potions to fill the gap, or maybe rationalize the
issue by using the catholic doctrine of "indulgence", which
are basically "get out of sin, free!" cards which the pope
can distribute as he pleases.

However, priest spells which perform attacks....  These would
seem to require active intervention by the god involved, he's
actually doing some smiting right on the spot.  These spells
should not be in scrolls, IMHO.

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