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Re: CF: regarding cones and saves

Doug wilder wrote:

> I was wondering, what are the odds a given item burns up or is destroyed buy
> a cone spell (or any spell for that matter). Do all items get a set save or
> are they by item type and do magic items get a better save than non magic
> items. Being a mage is hardly profitable if your spells destroy the very
> items you are there to get. I don't mind items getting destroyed, But i was
> wondering what the odds are.

 The odds are determined by the attacktype type, the material the object is made
out of, and magic (items protected from that attack will not be affected, items
with an +1 (like +2 shield) get that applied, and so on)

 So paper really sucks against fire, while iron items tend to survive pretty

 Note however, that the actual damage the spell is doing does not affecte
changes.  But many spells will actually hit an item more than once.

 For example, the center of the fireball will have the item make numerous
saves.  Same with bolt spells, and even cone spells to some extent.

 Some attacktypes (like holy word) do not affect items.
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