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Re: CF: Object decay, wear, and repair (Was Re: World Map)

dragonm wrote:
> Non-simple experience is probably recommended, actually.  However, it'd be
> necessary to modify how it works.  Rather than award double experience for
> killing a very powerful creature, merely bump the experience up a little.
> Make the experience gain for killing weaker creatures drop off even faster
> than it does, though.  This way, a weaker player who happens to be following
> a stronger player through a dungeon won't find the place killed out.  Strong
> players won't bother to kill creatures that weak players can handle.

 Note that non simple exp also adjusts experience based on the attributes that
the skill uses.  So a character with high stats gets even more exp, while a
person with low stats doesn't get any.

 One adjustement that can be made is to not make exp gain quite so linear.  For
example, in AD&D it doubles at most every level, so for a 5'th level person,
killing that 1st level creature only does 1/5 as much good (Towards his next exp
goal) than it does for a first level person.

 My general though it lack of getting exp is not going to reduce the clearing of
dungeons - if you are high enough to hack through them with ease, clearing out
the dungeon is not a big deal.  I will often clear out dungeons just for
completeness (and because it is not very hard), and do not consider the exp
reward in the process.

 However, I will choose dungeons that actually challenge the character I am
playing - I'm not going to clear out that first level dungeon with a 10'th level
character, but will clear out that 10'th level dungeon.

 Now I don't know how other people play, but trying to adjust exp rewards to
discourage dungeon clearing probably won't work.

 If anything, limiting what characters can enter what dungeons is probably more
reasonable - don't let that level 10 person enter a level 5 dungeon.
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