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Re: CF: Object decay, wear, and repair (Was Re: World Map)

> From: dragonm <>
> Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:09:20 -0700

> Non-simple experience is probably recommended, actually.  However, it'd be
> necessary to modify how it works.  Rather than award double experience for
> killing a very powerful creature, merely bump the experience up a little.
> Make the experience gain for killing weaker creatures drop off even faster
> than it does, though.  This way, a weaker player who happens to be following
> a stronger player through a dungeon won't find the place killed out.  Strong
> players won't bother to kill creatures that weak players can handle.

Be real careful there.  Before we can do something like that, we need
an accurate measure of how powerful a player is.  Comparing levels is
not currently a reliable measure.  Otherwise, the map spoilers
wouldn't have to give one minimum level for fighters and a
significantly higher level for mages.  With experience gain determined
by relative levels, mages would have to either deal with a
disgustingly slow gain or put themselves in enough danger to lose more
experience from repeated deaths than they could have gained from

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==

Disclaimer:If there does exist a "Heaven," only the damned deserve it.

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