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Re: CF: Re: "Monster" races

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Wedel
> Sent: 9/20/99 9:00 PM
>  I think if anything, a first step would be to allow some of this/abilities
> via polymorph.  That way, a character can get some feel for these
> alternatives in a limited basis.  That may be interesting (imagine getting
> hit by polymorph and having to play a dog for a few minutes).  Since
> polymorph keeps the same mental, having that dog be able to read can then
> make sense.

> -----Begin Response-----
> From: dragonm <>
> Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 08:52:09 -0700
> That sounds highly reasonable to me.  I certainly agree with Teoh and
> others--this little project isn't a high priority, for one thing, and for
> another, if it requires too much specialized coding, it's definitely not
> worth pursuing until all else is finished.  Being stuck as a dog for a
> while, who may be able to read but can't talk or wield a sword, is
> definitely interesting, and that may go farther toward justifying the
> effort.  I'm not worried too much about the more meaningless races, at this
> point.  They're just part of the larger discussion.

I also agree with this approach to "other" races.  Note that if the
polymorph were to be caused by a disease which activates every full
moon, you're a lycanthrope.  I'd suggest that lycanthropy should be
immune to Cure Disease spells, though.  Players who *want* to be
werewolves or werelemurs or weregoldfish or whatever should still be
able to be cured of other diseases.  Perhaps a better alternative
would be to make lycanthropy provide complete immunity to both Cure
Disease spells and all other diseases.  Curing lycanthropy could
require a quest to find some special ingredients or locate the only
priest who knows the spell or something.

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==

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