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CF: Fractional protections and area effect spells

> Peter Mardahl wrote:
> > 
> > > Just a side note: the reason I was able to kill a Greater Demon with two
> > > icestorms (not even large icestorms) from a level 70 wizard was because t
> > > Greater Demon occupied so many squares that it was practically taking the
> sum
> > > of all damages caused by the icestorm on every square of its cone effect.
> > > Which, with the current code, amounts to an incredible amount of damage.
> > 
> > This is exactly the reason I made the "CONE_NO_PROPAGATE" patch to
> > begin with.
>  But as a note - if you want cones to propogate but big monsters not take mor
> damage, it is more difficult.

This is what I was going to use the partial protection code for, whenever
it happens.  Big monsters with lots of squares would take reasonable
amounts of damage if they were 90/100 protected from the attack.  This would
give me a lot of flexibility to "tune" large monster's vulnerability to
area effect spells.

I think this is the best and most elegant method for tuning this effect.

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