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Re: CF: Re: Word of Recall and Portal (was: Prot/chaos, Efficiency, and Portals)

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> Which reminds me, is there any particular reason why maps use a
> seperate integer for each flag instead of bitmasks like everything
> else?  Since the flag operations are macros instead of functions, the
> same macros that work for objects would work just as well for map
> structures.  I'll try to leave it alone at least until 0.96, but
> that's exactly the kind of thing that I feel this compulsive need to
> optimize.

 I believe at one point, map objects were all contained in their own structure,
and did not have an object structure in place (interesting enough, things will
move back that way in 96).  But I have some of the feeling that the reason to
use actual fields and not the macros was the move from the old map structure to
the newer one.

 That said, the QUERY/SET/CLEAR flag macros are likely to be slightly slower
than actually using the fields (since those macros have to at least do some bit
manipulation).  But in reality, that speed difference is insignificant for
crossfire.  Map objects are not examined all that often.
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