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CF: Re: Word of Recall and Portal (was: Prot/chaos, Efficiency, and Portals)

>I think that covers all the bases about as neatly as possible.  I'll
>start making these changes to my experimental code.  I think we've
>reached a consensus on having a Portal spell.  Is this the final
>version, or are there more concerns to be dealt with?  If I can get a
>couple votes of agreement with the way it's defined here, I can just
>commit it to the CVS tree when I'm satisfied that it works right.

What about setting the mark when a player casts word of recall ?
Then he would cast portal...

I agree for any kind of portal spell... Neat spell.

About private rooms...
If the destination of a portal is a private room, or if the player
has no access to the destination square for any reason,
the portal doesn't work for this player...

>            -Dave Noelle,                 
>            -the Villa Straylight,
>Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==
>Disclaimer: Disciples of E(vi)L may receive guidance in alt.religion.emacs.
>GNU Emacs is The One True Editor.  The $PATH to redemption is /util/gnu/bin.
>U.C.L.A. doesn't share my opinions; even Emacs can't make life that good.
>Quote of the Day:
>I am prepared for all emergencies but totally unprepared for everyday life.

So that everyday life becomes an emergency ?


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