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CF: Re: apply() cleanup

On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 04:48:20AM +0200, Jan Echternach wrote:
> The attached patch


diff -rc orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/include/sproto.h crossfire-0.95.5/include/sproto.h
*** orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/include/sproto.h	Thu Apr 20 04:10:36 2000
--- crossfire-0.95.5/include/sproto.h	Thu Apr 20 03:21:32 2000
*** 36,42 ****
  extern char *gravestone_text ( object *op );
  extern int make_gravestone ( object *op, object *grave );
  extern int apply ( object *op, object *tmp, int aflag );
! extern void apply_below ( object *op );
  extern int apply_special ( object *who, object *op, int aflags );
  extern int auto_apply ( object *op );
  extern void fix_auto_apply ( mapstruct *m );
--- 36,43 ----
  extern char *gravestone_text ( object *op );
  extern int make_gravestone ( object *op, object *grave );
  extern int apply ( object *op, object *tmp, int aflag );
! extern int player_apply ( object *pl, object *op, int aflag, int quiet );
! extern void player_apply_below ( object *pl );
  extern int apply_special ( object *who, object *op, int aflags );
  extern int auto_apply ( object *op );
  extern void fix_auto_apply ( mapstruct *m );
*** 120,126 ****
  extern object *find_best_object_match ( object *pl, char *params );
  extern int command_uskill ( object *pl, char *params );
  extern int command_rskill ( object *pl, char *params );
- extern void apply_inventory ( object *op );
  extern int command_apply ( object *op, char *params );
  extern int sack_can_hold ( object *pl, object *sack, object *op, int nrof );
  extern void pick_up_object ( object *pl, object *op, object *tmp, int nrof );
--- 121,126 ----
diff -rc orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/server/apply.c crossfire-0.95.5/server/apply.c
*** orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/server/apply.c	Thu Apr 13 01:06:17 2000
--- crossfire-0.95.5/server/apply.c	Thu Apr 20 04:01:39 2000
*** 1038,1045 ****
   * object.
   * crossfire-0.95.5: Return value of apply() is currently used by
!  * apply_below() in apply.c, apply_inventory() in c_object.c and
!  * check_good_weapon()/check_good_armour() in monster.c
  /* op is the object that is causing object to be applied, tmp is the object
--- 1038,1054 ----
   * object.
   * crossfire-0.95.5: Return value of apply() is currently used by
!  * player_apply() in apply.c and check_good_weapon()/check_good_armour()
!  * in monster.c.
!  *
!  * FIXME: player_apply() uses the return value as "Was this a useable
!  * item, or should we continue searching for useable items?", whereas
!  * check_good_weapon() uses it as "Have we successfully applied the object?".
!  * There is a difference between these two interpretations for objects that
!  * could be applied sometimes but can't be applied right now.  For example,
!  * players can get a "marked item is not armour" message, followed by a
!  * "don't know how to apply Enchant Armour" message, because the
!  * improve armour code uses the second interpretation.
  /* op is the object that is causing object to be applied, tmp is the object
*** 1050,1086 ****
  int apply(object *op, object *tmp, int aflag) {
    char buf[MAX_BUF];
-   int inven;
!   if(tmp==NULL) {
!     if(op!=NULL&&op->type==PLAYER)
!       new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, 0,op,"There is nothing to apply.");
!     return 0;
!   }
!   inven=(tmp->env!=NULL);
!   if(op->type==PLAYER&&!inven&&QUERY_FLAG(op,FLAG_FLYING)&&
!      !QUERY_FLAG(op,FLAG_WIZ)) {
!     new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, 0,op,"But you are floating high above the ground!");
!     return 0;
!   }
!   while(tmp!=NULL&&(!(QUERY_FLAG(tmp,FLAG_WALK_ON)||QUERY_FLAG(tmp,FLAG_FLY_ON))
! 	&&tmp->invisible))
!     tmp=inven?tmp->below:tmp->above;
!   if(tmp==NULL)
      return 0;
-     play_sound_map(op->map, op->x, op->y, SOUND_OB_EVAPORATE);
-     new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, 0,op,"The object disappears in a puff of smoke!");
-     new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, 0,op,"It must have been an illusion.");
-     remove_ob(tmp);
-     free_object(tmp);
-     return 1;
-   }
-   if(op->type==PLAYER) {
-     op->contr->last_used=tmp;
-     op->contr->last_used_id=tmp->count;
    switch(tmp->type) {
      if (tmp->attacktype && (tmp->level || op->type!=PLAYER)) {
--- 1059,1071 ----
  int apply(object *op, object *tmp, int aflag) {
    char buf[MAX_BUF];
!   if (tmp==NULL) {
!     LOG (llevError, "BUG: apply(): arch %s, name %s tried to apply a "
!                     "null pointer\n", op->arch->name, tmp->name);
      return 0;
    switch(tmp->type) {
      if (tmp->attacktype && (tmp->level || op->type!=PLAYER)) {
*** 1886,1915 ****
      return apply_id_altar(op, tmp);
- #if 0
-     if(op->type==PLAYER) {
-       new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, 0,op,
-       	"I don't know how to apply the %s.",query_name(tmp));
-     }
- #endif
      return 0;
    return 1;
! /* Apply_Below attempts to apply the object 'below' the player (op).
   * If the player has an open container, we use that for below, otherwise
   * we use the ground.
! void apply_below(object *op) {
      object *tmp, *next;
      /* If using a container, set the starting item to be the top
       * item in the container.  Otherwise, use the map.
!     if (op->container!=NULL) tmp=op->container->inv;
!     else tmp=op->below;
      /* This is perhaps more complicated.  However, I want to make sure that
       * we don't use a corrupt pointer for the next object, so we get the
--- 1871,1939 ----
      return apply_id_altar(op, tmp);
      return 0;
    return 1;
! /* quiet suppresses the "don't know how to apply" message as needed by
!  * player_apply_below().  But there can still be "but you are floating high
!  * above the ground" messages.
!  *
!  * Same return value as apply() function.
!  */
! int player_apply (object *pl, object *op, int aflag, int quiet)
! {
!     int tmp;
!     if (op->env == NULL && QUERY_FLAG (pl, FLAG_FLYING))
!     {
!         /* player is flying and applying object not in inventory */
!         if ( ! QUERY_FLAG (pl, FLAG_WIZ)
!             && ! QUERY_FLAG (op, FLAG_FLYING)
!             && ! QUERY_FLAG (op, FLAG_FLY_ON))
!         {
!             new_draw_info (NDI_UNIQUE, 0, pl, "But you are floating high "
!                            "above the ground!");
!             return 0;
!         }
!     }
!     {
!         play_sound_map (pl->map, pl->x, pl->y, SOUND_OB_EVAPORATE);
!         new_draw_info (NDI_UNIQUE, 0, pl, "The object disappears in a puff "
!                        "of smoke!");
!         new_draw_info (NDI_UNIQUE, 0, pl, "It must have been an illusion.");
!         remove_ob (op);
!         free_object (op);
!         return 1;
!     }
!     pl->contr->last_used = op;
!     pl->contr->last_used_id = op->count;
!     tmp = apply (pl, op, aflag);
!     if ( ! tmp && ! quiet)
!         new_draw_info_format (NDI_UNIQUE, 0, pl, "I don't know how to apply "
!                               "the %s.", query_name (op));
!     return tmp;
! }
! /* player_apply_below attempts to apply the object 'below' the player.
   * If the player has an open container, we use that for below, otherwise
   * we use the ground.
! void player_apply_below (object *pl)
! {
      object *tmp, *next;
      /* If using a container, set the starting item to be the top
       * item in the container.  Otherwise, use the map.
!     tmp = (pl->container != NULL) ? pl->container->inv : pl->below;
      /* This is perhaps more complicated.  However, I want to make sure that
       * we don't use a corrupt pointer for the next object, so we get the
*** 1919,1925 ****
      for ( ; tmp!=NULL; tmp=next) {
  	next = tmp->below;
! 	if (apply(op, tmp, 0)) return;
          if (QUERY_FLAG (tmp, FLAG_IS_FLOOR))
              return;   /* don't look below a floor */
--- 1943,1954 ----
      for ( ; tmp!=NULL; tmp=next) {
  	next = tmp->below;
! 	if ( ! tmp->invisible || QUERY_FLAG (tmp, FLAG_WALK_ON)
!             || QUERY_FLAG (tmp, FLAG_FLY_ON))
!         {
!             if (player_apply (pl, tmp, 0, 1))
!                 return;
!         }
          if (QUERY_FLAG (tmp, FLAG_IS_FLOOR))
              return;   /* don't look below a floor */
diff -rc orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/server/c_object.c crossfire-0.95.5/server/c_object.c
*** orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/server/c_object.c	Wed Mar 22 08:56:48 2000
--- crossfire-0.95.5/server/c_object.c	Thu Apr 20 03:23:39 2000
*** 198,231 ****
     return change_skill(pl,skillno);
- void apply_inventory(object *op) {
-   object *inv;
-   if(op->contr->last_used!=NULL) {
-     inv=op->contr->last_used;
-     if(QUERY_FLAG(inv, FLAG_FREED)||inv->count!=op->contr->last_used_id||
-        inv->env==NULL||(inv->env!=op&&inv->env->env!=op)) {
-       op->contr->last_used=NULL;
-       op->contr->last_used_id=0;
-       apply_inventory(op);
-       return;
-     }
-   } else {
-     for (inv=op->inv; inv && inv->invisible; inv=inv->below) ;
-   }
-   if(inv) {
-     if(!apply(op,inv,0)) {
-       new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, op,
- 	"I don't know how to apply the %s.",query_name(inv));
-     }
-   } else {
-     new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, 0,op, "You have nothing to apply!");
-   }
- }
  int command_apply (object *op, char *params)
    if (!params) {
!     apply_below(op);
      return 0;
    else {
--- 198,207 ----
     return change_skill(pl,skillno);
  int command_apply (object *op, char *params)
    if (!params) {
!     player_apply_below(op);
      return 0;
    else {
*** 245,254 ****
      inv=find_best_object_match(op, params);
      if (inv) {
! 	if(!apply(op,inv,aflag)) {
! 	  new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, op,
! 	    "I don't know how to apply the %s.",query_name(inv));
! 	}
      } else
  	  new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, op,
  	    "Could not find any match to %s.",params);
--- 221,227 ----
      inv=find_best_object_match(op, params);
      if (inv) {
! 	player_apply(op,inv,aflag,0);
      } else
  	  new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, 0, op,
  	    "Could not find any match to %s.",params);
diff -rc orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/socket/item.c crossfire-0.95.5/socket/item.c
*** orig/crossfire-0.95.5-patch12/socket/item.c	Wed Mar 22 08:56:48 2000
--- crossfire-0.95.5/socket/item.c	Thu Apr 20 03:24:24 2000
*** 439,445 ****
  	  pl->ob->name, tag);
!     apply (pl->ob, op,0);
  /* Client wants to apply some object.  Lets do so. */
--- 439,445 ----
  	  pl->ob->name, tag);
!     player_apply (pl->ob, op, 0, 0);
  /* Client wants to apply some object.  Lets do so. */