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CF: button fix.

 After reports of several more broken maps, I decided to make some simple test
cases, and they did reveal some real problems with the button code.

 I have checked in a new map.c file into CVS.  Here is a description from the

common/map.c: Change calls in file to use insert_ob_in_map simple.
This fixes bugs with buttons not being applied correctly when the map
is loaded - the cause is that push_button is getting called for the
button before all the objects the button is linked to have been loaded.
Then when the map finishes loading, the call to update_button is called
and they are not in sync.  This change should make loading slightly faster,
mostly because it does not call check_walk_on during the loading, so that
buttons don't get pushed/changed around.  Mark Wedel 3/28/2000

 I am not sure when this got broken - there is a comment in the CHANGES file
that may suggest it was 0.93.4.

 However, those of you who have found broken maps as it relates to buttons, you
may want to try out this fix and see if the maps work now.
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