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Re: CF: Re: apply() cleanup


I have ecountered much more defect maps and i personaly think that about 30%
or more
- bugs from game system changing in it
- releated maps where changed
- where untestet
 - the map designer haven't finished his job
- The game changed and the map playing not
- the map is shit :)

I play alot pupland and Lake Coutry, one of my favorite map sets.

LC maps are one of the best and have a whole set of good quests,
but there was a mass of exploits in.

Here are some are remember:

- If you kill the wounded dragon and enter Tarkusis (or so, iam to lazy to
and you go back, you get teleported in the wall in the chaos lair.. you need
a recall
to leave.
- If you free Twist from prison, you don't get teleported to the Wist study,
the teleporter don't trigger. The trigger mashine is a bullet wall, firing
to a button. There
are moving walls between them but also when all are down, the bullet don't
trigger the
button or the button don't trigger the teleporter.
- In the study (i fixed the prison map for my server) Wist don't appear, the
mashine for it
was way to complicate ( first time i see it i must think about kermit and
his "what happens then"
mashine... (don't know the right eords in english)).
- The whole study has a bad outfit, think this is a part the map desinger do
at last as he has leave
the designing.
- many parts of the Butakis area are not working.
- You can't get teleported in the arena.
- there is no Lord Butakis, so no quest. Player who enter the area was
disappointed about
it (because you run to often in unfinished ore useless parts). So, many nice
parts of the maps are unplayed (tower of luck ).
- the south prison area is part of the butakis quest and senseless now
- Sunset Castle is a big dummy (no quest, no nothing)
- The ebony tiger guild quest is nearly broken
- The entry is not the hut, you need a thievery key first.
- The house in butakis you must enter (Jacobs or so) is set up per random.
It triggers
  only all 20-30 times.
- I think the desinger has set up some more parts in butakis (there is an
unused hidden entry in
  the entry to the inner part) put they dont finished it.
- There is no "guild test" or quest, you must remove the traps and you are
through. The numbers
 the guild member you give are not part of this maps, so i call it nearly
- the whole set up of the master level looks like unfinished.
- To enter sunset you must find out Twak and where you speak the name
- but you can dimension door to the isle!
- in the undead tower, the angel has a key and talk about a door but there
is none
- and some more i don't remenber

other parts:
- many pupland maps use the same old trigger mashines like lake country and
you can't play them
- the tower of skud is broken. after you have played half the quest, you
stay in front of a closed door.
The ice map or so is missing. I play it about a day as i was new in the game
and i was very upset as
i see my whole work and the time for no reward, broken story line and the
feeling to do "something
useless". (what happens if you play chess against one and he give up all
time in the middle of the game,
how often you play against him?).
- the jessy treasure room is a dungeon u arrived after really tough
fighting. Is full of hard monsters and
you get... 1000 bottles... not a single good item. Thats also not funny.

What we need?
The point is, that most of this maps are from the middle 90s. Some of the
guys who played the game yet
has no computer at this time because they where to young. And its not enough
to give the some bugs to
the coding guys here, the maps need a team who works on them and only on
them. and testing them too.

Why not set up a team of guys? There are many high level player in the game
which knows the map and
the way the get played. And they want bring in some new or better ideas. So
we should use the nice "wizard"
system of the MUDs and let them do some work.

How i understand the game, the maps in the maps-file are part of the open
source. So the develop team should
give single persons the permission to work an specific map parts. Then they
got linked to a server and after
some testing to the public. Remember, every man who work on the game is good
for the game itself, so
you should make it easy to join. If the work is bad, we don't put it in!

I have a public server for playing and testing and i want debug the Lake
Country maps and write down the story line
there... Lord Butakis und Sunset Castle for example.


> >
> > The vampire on /Lake_Country/snake_pit/Chaos_lair4 doesn't use the
> > unless the player is at most two map squares away (only possible in wiz
> > I don't know if this bug was caused by the apply() changes or if it is
> > something unrelated.
> >
>  Does that map use darkness?  If so, it is probable that the map was
changed to
> use darkness but the vampire not updated, so it uses a default visibility
> is pretty short.
> -
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