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Re: CF: Fix for Wizard crashes (fwd)
- To: crossfire (at)
- Subject: Re: CF: Fix for Wizard crashes (fwd)
- From: David Andrew Michael Noelle <>
- Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 05:43:24 -0500
- In-reply-to: <> (message from Mark Wedel on Sun,28 May 2000 22:23:21 -0700)
- References: <> <> <>
- Sender:
> Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 22:23:21 -0700
> From: Mark Wedel <>
> More important here is how something is getting the name 'animated dagger' in
> the first place. The only place animations should come from is the 'animations'
> file - if there is code someplace adding in animations, that is just plain
> wrong.
Two different uses of the word: The example "animated dagger" is a
dagger that moves by itself, not a sequence of pictures. The Animate
Weapon spell creates a golem to weild the weapon it is cast upon. The
golem is made to look like the weapon and given the name of the weapon
with the word "animated" prepended to it.
The archetype used as a base for this weapon-shaped golem is the
dancing sword.
> Not quite sure what you mean by damage unapplied objects in a golem. I haven't
> looked at the animated weapon code to see exactly what it does however.
I think that's in reference to corrosion. If the golem wields the
weapon, the weapon will deteriorate from corrosion when hit by acid,
without the player being informed. If the golem has the weapon's
properties, but doesn't actually "apply" the weapon, then the actual
weapon will not be corroded when its golem attacks acidic monsters.
I may well have addressed some of these issues already in my own copy
of the animate weapon code. I never finished testing the most recent
modifications, though, and I won't have time to do so for a while. I
might find time to merge my copy into the current animate weapon code,
if there aren't any more changes to it. For many of the fixes I made,
I'm not sure if the new version is any better, but CVS seems to be
more of an experimentation area than it was a year ago.
-Dave Noelle,
-the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email ==
Disclaimer: The preceding message, including this segment that purports
to be a disclaimer, is merely a stream of white noise generated
randomly by a power surge. The fact that it may appear to be readable
text when interpreted by certain programs is entirely coincidental,
and is in fact much more likely than monkeys producing the script for
Hamlet, given that power surges tend to occur much more frequently
than any of the sequences of events that might lead to vast numbers of
simians having both access to typewriters and motivation to use them.
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