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Re: Two frequent crossfire-crashers....

> Peter Mardahl wrote:
> > 
> > I've given you more information below.
> > You can exercise the bug by taking a high-level char
> > to the new castle on the peninsula on the south-easternmost corner
> > of the scorn continent.
>  If you can provide an actual path to the map, it would be easier to track
> down.  I can't find a castle on the south easternmost corner of the scorn
> contention.

That's not possible, this is a random map.  The exit is new:  get a
CVS version.  The exit to the random map set is on

Thanks for your comments below, it gives me an idea of an avenue
to investigate for the cause.


>  My guess is that there is some corruption on the map file itself.  Looking a
> the stack trace you provided, it is getting called back because it is in an
> op->more field of some other object.
>  I have made a change to the cvs repository which will fix the crash:
> common/anim.c:  animation_object() - return if object does not have a valid
> animation after logging error.  Before, we logged the error and would
> promptly crash.  MSW 6/13/2000
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