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Re: Two frequent crossfire-crashers....

Peter Mardahl wrote:
> I've given you more information below.
> You can exercise the bug by taking a high-level char
> to the new castle on the peninsula on the south-easternmost corner
> of the scorn continent.

 If you can provide an actual path to the map, it would be easier to track
down.  I can't find a castle on the south easternmost corner of the scorn

 My guess is that there is some corruption on the map file itself.  Looking at
the stack trace you provided, it is getting called back because it is in an
op->more field of some other object.

 I have made a change to the cvs repository which will fix the crash:

common/anim.c:  animation_object() - return if object does not have a valid
animation after logging error.  Before, we logged the error and would
promptly crash.  MSW 6/13/2000