Directory weapon/sword/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

weapon/sword/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 508 (100.0%) 429 (100.0%) 0.8
akirschbaum 137 (27.0%) 140 (32.6%) 1.0
rjtanner 6 (1.2%) 60 (14.0%) 10.0
ryo_saeba 66 (13.0%) 57 (13.3%) 0.8
anmaster 93 (18.3%) 48 (11.2%) 0.5
silvernexus 12 (2.4%) 44 (10.3%) 3.6
qal21 99 (19.5%) 33 (7.7%) 0.3
mwedel 81 (15.9%) 33 (7.7%) 0.4
gros 14 (2.8%) 14 (3.3%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

silvernexus 2020-09-13 17:10 Rev.: 21427

Clean up the palette and run optipng on dragonclaw_dagger

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: dragonclaw_dagger.base.111.png (changed)
rjtanner 2017-03-25 23:35 Rev.: 20340

Moved bloodreaver axe and Order Sword to the artifact directory, as they are not standard weapons

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: order_sword.arc (del), order_sword.base.111.png (del)
rjtanner 2017-03-19 01:26 Rev.: 20339

Patch #270 New Items - 6 different items (with some changes for clarity and item property conflicts as noted in the patch summary on SourceForge.)

17 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: giants_knife.arc (new 17), giants_knife.base.111.png (new)
rjtanner 2017-03-17 18:28 Rev.: 20338

Patch #267 New Items - 7 different items (with some changes to weapon attack types as noted in the ChangeLog and patch summary on SourceForge.)

43 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: order_sword.arc (new 42), order_sword.base.111.png (new 1)
silvernexus 2016-05-11 15:30 Rev.: 20244

New weapon: dragonclaw dagger

20 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • weapon/sword: dragonclaw_dagger.arc (new 17), dragonclaw_dagger.base.111.png (new), dragonclaw_dagger.face (new 3)
silvernexus 2014-08-26 21:39 Rev.: 19610

Add steel shortsword for testing and balancing. Formula to smith it included in r19608.

18 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: steel_ssword_1.arc (new 18), steel_ssword_1.base.111.png (new)
silvernexus 2014-06-13 16:23 Rev.: 19558

Hyphenate names of several swords with numbers in the name.

6 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • weapon/sword: nineringsword.arc (+2 -2), sword_3.arc (+2 -2), vlongsword.arc (+2 -2)
silvernexus 2012-12-07 23:01 Rev.: 18550

Recolored blade of classic dagger to make bronze variation.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: b_dagger.clsc.111.png (new)
silvernexus 2012-11-26 12:51 Rev.: 18527

Added bronze broadswords to the classic image set.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.clsc.111.png (new), b_bsword_2.clsc.111.png (new)
ryo_saeba 2012-04-15 12:32 Rev.: 17972

Missing archetype.

18 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: wicked_sabre.arc (new 18)
ryo_saeba 2012-04-14 09:49 Rev.: 17925

Extract 'blade dancer' and associated 'sleek katana' from Warrior's Tower, level 1.

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: sleek_katana.arc (new 20)
ryo_saeba 2011-12-30 14:59 Rev.: 16382

Update some item's race to 'throwing'.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: t_dagger.arc (+1)
ryo_saeba 2011-07-23 10:42 Rev.: 14909

Remove duplicate line.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: sword_3.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2011-07-23 09:37 Rev.: 14905

Add some anim_suffix to swords.

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: sword_3.arc (+1), vlongsword.arc (+1)
mwedel 2010-11-27 00:46 Rev.: 14140

Tweak base value of some weapons.
MSW 2010-11-26

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: t_dagger.arc (+1 -1)
anmaster 2010-10-11 13:14 Rev.: 13991

Fix incorrect svn properties, for example .png should not have svn:keywords set, that could in worst case result in corruption. While we are updating properties anyway, clean up incorrect (but mostly harmless) svn:mime-type, svn:executable and so on.

48 lines of code changed in 88 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (-1), b_bsword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_bsword_2.arc (-1), b_bsword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_dagger.arc (-1), b_dagger.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_lsword.arc (-1), b_lsword.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_scimitar.arc (-1), b_scimitar.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_sicklesword.arc (-1), b_sicklesword.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_ssword_1.arc (-1), b_ssword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_ssword_2.arc (-1), b_ssword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_sword_1.arc (-1), b_sword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_sword_2.arc (-1), b_sword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), bsword_1.arc (-1), bsword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), bsword_1.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), bsword_2.arc (-1), bsword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), bsword_2.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), butterflysword_1.arc (-1), butterflysword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), butterflysword_2.arc (-1), butterflysword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), dagger.arc (-1), dagger.base.111.png (+1 -1), dagger.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), dagger_r.base.111.png (+1 -1), dagger_r.face (-1), falchion.arc (-1), falchion.base.111.png (+1 -1), hooksword.arc (-1), hooksword.base.111.png (+1 -2), katana_1.arc (-1), katana_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), katana_1.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), lsword.arc (-1), lsword.base.111.png (+1 -1), nineringsword.arc (-1), nineringsword.base.111.png (+1 -2), rapier.arc (-1), rapier.base.111.png (+1 -1), sabre.arc (-1), sabre.base.111.png (+1 -1), sabre.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), scimitar.arc (-1), scimitar.base.111.png (+1 -1), serp_sword.arc (-1), serp_sword.base.111.png (+1 -1), sicklesword.arc (-1), sicklesword.base.111.png (+1 -2), ssword_1.arc (-1), ssword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), ssword_2.arc (-1), ssword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), sword_1.arc (-1), sword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), sword_2.arc (-1), sword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), sword_3.arc (-1), sword_3.base.111.png (+1 -1), sword_3.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), sword_4.arc (-1), sword_4.base.111.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.arc (-1), t_dagger.base.101.png (new), t_dagger.base.111.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.121.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.131.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.141.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.151.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.161.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.171.png (+1 -1), t_dagger.base.181.png (+1 -1), vlongsword.arc (-1), vlongsword.base.111.png (+1 -2)
akirschbaum 2009-02-01 14:58 Rev.: 11313

Add explicit animations; extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

139 lines of code changed in 68 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (-1), b_bsword_1.face (new 3), b_bsword_2.arc (-1), b_bsword_2.face (new 3), b_dagger.arc (-1), b_dagger.face (new 3), b_lsword.arc (-1), b_lsword.face (new 3), b_scimitar.arc (-1), b_scimitar.face (new 3), b_sicklesword.arc (-1), b_sicklesword.face (new 3), b_ssword_1.arc (-1), b_ssword_1.face (new 3), b_ssword_2.arc (-1), b_ssword_2.face (new 3), b_sword_1.arc (-1), b_sword_1.face (new 3), b_sword_2.arc (-1), b_sword_2.face (new 3), bsword_1.arc (-1), bsword_1.face (new 3), bsword_2.arc (-1), bsword_2.face (new 3), butterflysword_1.arc (-1), butterflysword_1.face (new 3), butterflysword_2.arc (-1), butterflysword_2.face (new 3), dager_r.face (del), dagger.arc (-1), dagger.face (new 3), dagger_r.face (new 4), falchion.arc (-1), falchion.face (new 3), hooksword.arc (-1), hooksword.face (new 3), katana_1.arc (-1), katana_1.face (new 3), lsword.arc (-1), lsword.face (new 3), nineringsword.arc (-1), nineringsword.face (new 3), rapier.arc (-1), rapier.face (new 3), sabre.arc (-1), sabre.face (new 3), scimitar.arc (-1), scimitar.face (new 3), serp_sword.arc (-1), serp_sword.face (new 3), sicklesword.arc (-1), sicklesword.face (new 3), ssword_1.arc (-1), ssword_1.face (new 3), ssword_2.arc (-1), ssword_2.face (new 3), sword_1.arc (-1), sword_1.face (new 3), sword_2.arc (-1), sword_2.face (new 3), sword_3.arc (-1), sword_3.face (new 3), sword_4.arc (-1), sword_4.face (new 3), t_dagger.arc (+1 -12), t_dagger.face (new 38), vlongsword.arc (-1), vlongsword.face (new 3)
anmaster 2009-01-24 22:37 Rev.: 11251

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth needed for sending images to clients.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • weapon/sword: rapier.base.111.png (changed), serp_sword.base.111.png (changed)
anmaster 2009-01-24 21:04 Rev.: 11244

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth
needed for sending images to clients.

0 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • weapon/sword: bsword_1.clsc.111.png (changed), rapier.base.111.png (changed), serp_sword.base.111.png (changed)
ryo_saeba 2008-11-10 06:38 Rev.: 10379

Remove obsolete color_fg.

6 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_scimitar.arc (+1 -1), b_sword_1.arc (+1 -1), dager_r.face (new), scimitar.arc (+1 -1), serp_sword.arc (+1 -1), sword_1.arc (+1 -1)
akirschbaum 2008-01-11 21:22 Rev.: 8170

Use better compression to reduce image sizes.

0 lines of code changed in 68 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_bsword_2.base.111.png (changed), b_dagger.base.111.png (changed), b_lsword.base.111.png (changed), b_scimitar.base.111.png (changed), b_sicklesword.base.111.png (changed), b_ssword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_ssword_2.base.111.png (changed), b_sword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_sword_2.base.111.png (changed), bsword_1.base.111.png (new), bsword_1.clsc.111.png (new), bsword_2.base.111.png (changed), bsword_2.clsc.111.png (new), butterflysword_1.base.111.png (changed), butterflysword_2.base.111.png (changed), dagger.clsc.111.png (new), falchion.base.111.png (changed), hooksword.base.111.png (changed), katana_1.base.111.png (changed), katana_1.clsc.111.png (new), lsword.base.111.png (new), nineringsword.base.111.png (changed), rapier.base.111.png (changed), sabre.base.111.png (new), sabre.clsc.111.png (changed), scimitar.base.111.png (changed), serp_sword.base.111.png (new), sicklesword.base.111.png (changed), ssword_1.base.111.png (new), ssword_2.base.111.png (changed), sword_1.base.111.png (new), sword_2.base.111.png (new), sword_3.base.111.png (new), sword_3.clsc.111.png (changed), sword_4.base.111.png (new), t_dagger.base.121.png (changed), t_dagger.base.141.png (new), t_dagger.base.151.png (new), t_dagger.base.161.png (new), t_dagger.base.181.png (changed), vlongsword.base.111.png (changed)
gros 2007-11-18 09:25 Rev.: 7525

Proof-of-concept for combo animations. Try it by fighting with a Fenx character wearing a sword :).

14 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (+1), b_bsword_2.arc (+1), b_lsword.arc (+1), b_sicklesword.arc (+1), b_ssword_1.arc (+1), b_ssword_2.arc (+1), b_sword_1.arc (+1), b_sword_2.arc (+1), bsword_1.arc (+1), bsword_2.arc (+1), sword_1.arc (+1), sword_2.arc (+1), sword_3.arc (+1), sword_4.arc (+1)
ryo_saeba 2007-06-13 15:08 Rev.: 6574

Remove obsolete field.

0 lines of code changed in 33 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (-1), b_bsword_2.arc (-1), b_dagger.arc (-1), b_lsword.arc (-1), b_scimitar.arc (-1), b_sicklesword.arc (-1), b_ssword_1.arc (-1), b_ssword_2.arc (-1), b_sword_1.arc (-1), b_sword_2.arc (-1), bsword_1.arc (-1), bsword_2.arc (-1), butterflysword_1.arc (-1), butterflysword_2.arc (-1), dagger.arc (-1), falchion.arc (-1), hooksword.arc (-1), katana_1.arc (-1), lsword.arc (-1), nineringsword.arc (-1), rapier.arc (-1), sabre.arc (-1), scimitar.arc (-1), serp_sword.arc (-1), sicklesword.arc (-1), ssword_1.arc (-1), ssword_2.arc (-1), sword_1.arc (-1), sword_2.arc (-1), sword_3.arc (-1), sword_4.arc (-1), t_dagger.arc (-1), vlongsword.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2007-06-09 05:40 Rev.: 6441

Name is useful, else weird things.

10 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (+1), b_bsword_2.arc (+1), b_dagger.arc (+1), b_lsword.arc (+1), b_scimitar.arc (+1), b_sicklesword.arc (+1), b_ssword_1.arc (+1), b_ssword_2.arc (+1), b_sword_1.arc (+1), b_sword_2.arc (+1)
ryo_saeba 2007-06-09 05:22 Rev.: 6437

Remove materialname.

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (-1), b_bsword_2.arc (-1), b_dagger.arc (-1), b_lsword.arc (-1), b_scimitar.arc (-1), b_sicklesword.arc (-1), b_ssword_1.arc (-1), b_ssword_2.arc (-1), b_sword_1.arc (-1), b_sword_2.arc (-1)
akirschbaum 2007-03-24 07:25 Rev.: 5861

Remove trailing whitespace.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • weapon/sword: katana_1.arc (+1 -1)
qal21 2006-12-16 19:59 Rev.: 5178

Set svn:eol-style to LF for all arch files.

33 lines of code changed in 33 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (+1), b_bsword_2.arc (+1), b_dagger.arc (+1), b_lsword.arc (+1), b_scimitar.arc (+1), b_sicklesword.arc (+1), b_ssword_1.arc (+1), b_ssword_2.arc (+1), b_sword_1.arc (+1), b_sword_2.arc (+1), bsword_1.arc (+1), bsword_2.arc (+1), butterflysword_1.arc (+1), butterflysword_2.arc (+1), dagger.arc (+1), falchion.arc (+1), hooksword.arc (+1), katana_1.arc (+1), lsword.arc (+1), nineringsword.arc (+1), rapier.arc (+1), sabre.arc (+1), scimitar.arc (+1), serp_sword.arc (+1), sicklesword.arc (+1), ssword_1.arc (+1), ssword_2.arc (+1), sword_1.arc (+1), sword_2.arc (+1), sword_3.arc (+1), sword_4.arc (+1), t_dagger.arc (+1), vlongsword.arc (+1)
qal21 2006-12-12 23:24 Rev.: 5175

propdel svn:eol-style on all arch files. Fixes broken win32 checkouts of arches.

0 lines of code changed in 66 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (new), b_bsword_2.arc (new), b_dagger.arc (new), b_lsword.arc (-1), b_scimitar.arc (-1), b_sicklesword.arc (-1), b_ssword_1.arc (-1), b_ssword_2.arc (new), b_sword_1.arc (new), b_sword_2.arc (new), bsword_1.arc (-1), bsword_2.arc (-1), butterflysword_1.arc (-1), butterflysword_2.arc (new), dagger.arc (-1), falchion.arc (-1), hooksword.arc (new), katana_1.arc (new), lsword.arc (new), nineringsword.arc (new), rapier.arc (new), sabre.arc (new), scimitar.arc (new), serp_sword.arc (-1), sicklesword.arc (-1), ssword_1.arc (-1), ssword_2.arc (new), sword_1.arc (new), sword_2.arc (-1), sword_3.arc (-1), sword_4.arc (-1), t_dagger.arc (new), vlongsword.arc (new)
mwedel 2006-09-25 00:17 Rev.: 4975

Ok - now try committing proper (binary) images.
MSW 2006-09-24

0 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_bsword_2.base.111.png (changed), b_dagger.base.111.png (changed), b_lsword.base.111.png (changed), b_scimitar.base.111.png (changed), b_sicklesword.base.111.png (changed), b_ssword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_ssword_2.base.111.png (changed), b_sword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_sword_2.base.111.png (changed), butterflysword_1.base.111.png (changed), butterflysword_2.base.111.png (changed), hooksword.base.111.png (changed), nineringsword.base.111.png (changed), sicklesword.base.111.png (changed), vlongsword.base.111.png (changed)
mwedel 2006-09-25 00:10 Rev.: 4974

Try this again - update svn:mime-type and remove svn:eol-style.
MSW 2006-09-24

16 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_bsword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_dagger.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_lsword.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_scimitar.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_sicklesword.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_ssword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_ssword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_sword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), b_sword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), butterflysword_1.base.111.png (+1 -2), butterflysword_2.base.111.png (+1 -2), hooksword.base.111.png (+1 -2), nineringsword.base.111.png (+1 -2), sicklesword.base.111.png (+1 -2), vlongsword.base.111.png (+1 -2)
mwedel 2006-09-24 23:44 Rev.: 4973

change mime types of images.
MSW 2006-09-24

16 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_bsword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_dagger.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_lsword.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_scimitar.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_sicklesword.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_ssword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_ssword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_sword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), b_sword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), butterflysword_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), butterflysword_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), hooksword.base.111.png (+1 -1), nineringsword.base.111.png (+1 -1), sicklesword.base.111.png (+1 -1), vlongsword.base.111.png (+1 -1)
mwedel 2006-09-24 23:14 Rev.: 4972

Change svn:mime-types for images to binary, commit proper images.
MSW 2006-09-24

0 lines of code changed in 32 files:

  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.base.111.png (new), b_bsword_2.base.111.png (new), b_dagger.base.111.png (new), b_lsword.base.111.png (changed), b_scimitar.base.111.png (new), b_sicklesword.base.111.png (new), b_ssword_1.base.111.png (new), b_ssword_2.base.111.png (new), b_sword_1.base.111.png (changed), b_sword_2.base.111.png (new), butterflysword_1.base.111.png (changed), butterflysword_2.base.111.png (changed), hooksword.base.111.png (new), nineringsword.base.111.png (changed), sicklesword.base.111.png (changed), vlongsword.base.111.png (changed)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0