/arch/trunk Developers: gros

Login name:
Total Commits:
141 (0.2%)
Lines of Code:
1,439 (1.4%)
Most Recent Commit:
2008-12-07 03:57

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for gros

Activity by Day of Week for gros

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 141 (100.0%) 1439 (100.0%) 10.2
player/race/ 29 (20.6%) 380 (26.4%) 13.1
construct/window/ 8 (5.7%) 233 (16.2%) 29.1
monster/dragon/Dragon/ 13 (9.2%) 145 (10.1%) 11.1
construct/roof/ 12 (8.5%) 119 (8.3%) 9.9
traps/ 1 (0.7%) 92 (6.4%) 92.0
random/ 1 (0.7%) 64 (4.4%) 64.0
monster/elemental/ 4 (2.8%) 52 (3.6%) 13.0
monster/dragon/Chinese_Dra/ 1 (0.7%) 50 (3.5%) 50.0
player/dragon_ability/ 1 (0.7%) 32 (2.2%) 32.0
player/class/Thief/ 1 (0.7%) 32 (2.2%) 32.0
player/class/Warrior/ 1 (0.7%) 30 (2.1%) 30.0
monster/undead/ 1 (0.7%) 29 (2.0%) 29.0
/ 4 (2.8%) 21 (1.5%) 5.2
monster/undead/skree/ 1 (0.7%) 18 (1.3%) 18.0
monster/animal/giant_worm/ 1 (0.7%) 18 (1.3%) 18.0
monster/chaos/ 1 (0.7%) 16 (1.1%) 16.0
monster/animal/farmyard/ 1 (0.7%) 16 (1.1%) 16.0
monster/dragon/ 1 (0.7%) 15 (1.0%) 15.0
monster/demon/Demon_Lord/ 1 (0.7%) 15 (1.0%) 15.0
weapon/sword/ 14 (9.9%) 14 (1.0%) 1.0
food/ 5 (3.5%) 12 (0.8%) 2.4
monster/misc/ 1 (0.7%) 8 (0.6%) 8.0
monster/dragon/drake/ 1 (0.7%) 7 (0.5%) 7.0
system/ 1 (0.7%) 5 (0.3%) 5.0
monster/animal/Neko/ 1 (0.7%) 4 (0.3%) 4.0
monster/animal/Giant_rat/ 1 (0.7%) 4 (0.3%) 4.0
monster/animal/Behemoth/ 1 (0.7%) 4 (0.3%) 4.0
monster/misc/Unicorn/ 1 (0.7%) 3 (0.2%) 3.0
spell/Healing/ 1 (0.7%) 1 (0.1%) 1.0
wall/wwall/ 14 (9.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
wall/awall/ 14 (9.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0
monster/humanoid/Arabic/ 3 (2.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of gros

Most Recent Commits

gros 2008-12-07 03:57 Rev.: 10865

2.0 Elements: Windows.

240 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • CHANGES (+7)
  • construct/window: intermediate_window.arc (new 17), intermediate_window_1.base.111.png (new 7), intermediate_window_2.base.111.png (new 4), window.arc (new 176), window_2.base.111.png (new 10), window_3.base.111.png (new 5), window_4.base.111.png (new 7), window_arcade_1.base.111.png (new 7)
gros 2008-12-07 03:50 Rev.: 10864

2.0 Elements: Roof and chemney pieces.
Yann Chachkoff 2008-12-07

128 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • CHANGES (+9)
  • construct/roof: chemney.arc (new 14), chemney_1.base.111.png (new 5), chemney_2.base.111.png (new 6), roof.arc (new 48), roof_1.base.111.png (new 6), roof_1blue.base.111.png (new 6), roof_1green.base.111.png (new 6), roof_1red.base.111.png (new 8), roof_2.base.111.png (new 5), roof_2blue.base.111.png (new 5), roof_2green.base.111.png (new 5), roof_2red.base.111.png (new 5)
gros 2008-04-16 11:18 Rev.: 8768

New arabian guards images, courtesy of Miguel Ghobangieno.

3 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • CHANGES (+3)
  • monster/humanoid/Arabic: a_guard_h.base.111.png (changed), a_guard_l.base.111.png (changed), a_guard_m.base.111.png (changed)
gros 2007-12-22 19:55 Rev.: 8017

Add the archetype hook for user-defined plugin events.

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • CHANGES (+2)
  • system: event_user.arc (new 5)
gros 2007-11-29 06:12 Rev.: 7586

Replaced debugging pictures of the spellcasting big dragon by the proper ones - silly me ! :)

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • monster/dragon/Dragon: dragon_spellcasting.base.x31.png (changed), dragon_spellcasting.base.x32.png (changed), dragon_spellcasting.base.x33.png (changed), dragon_spellcasting.base.x71.png (changed), dragon_spellcasting.base.x72.png (changed), dragon_spellcasting.base.x73.png (changed)
gros 2007-11-29 06:06 Rev.: 7585

Added a spellcasting animation for the Big Dragon. Courtesy of Rednaxela.

145 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • monster/dragon/Dragon: dragon.arc (+12), dragon_spellcasting.base.x31.png (new 22), dragon_spellcasting.base.x32.png (new 21), dragon_spellcasting.base.x33.png (new 23), dragon_spellcasting.base.x71.png (new 23), dragon_spellcasting.base.x72.png (new 20), dragon_spellcasting.base.x73.png (new 24)
gros 2007-11-18 11:40 Rev.: 7530

Corrected a typo caused by previous commit conflict.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • player/race: fenx.arc (-4)
gros 2007-11-18 11:33 Rev.: 7529

Add sample support for spellcasting compound animations.
Try to cast minor healing with a Fenx :)

37 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • player/race: fenx.arc (+21), fenx_spellcasting.base.151.png (new 7), fenx_spellcasting.base.152.png (new 8)
  • spell/Healing: spell_minor_healing.arc (+1)
gros 2007-11-18 09:40 Rev.: 7526

Added a carriage-return at end of file.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • player/race: fenx.arc (+1 -1)
gros 2007-11-18 09:25 Rev.: 7525

Proof-of-concept for combo animations. Try it by fighting with a Fenx character wearing a sword :).

70 lines of code changed in 21 files:

  • player/race: fenx.arc (+17), fenx_sword.base.131.png (new 8), fenx_sword.base.132.png (new 6), fenx_sword.base.151.png (new 8), fenx_sword.base.152.png (new 7), fenx_sword.base.171.png (new 5), fenx_sword.base.172.png (new 5)
  • weapon/sword: b_bsword_1.arc (+1), b_bsword_2.arc (+1), b_lsword.arc (+1), b_sicklesword.arc (+1), b_ssword_1.arc (+1), b_ssword_2.arc (+1), b_sword_1.arc (+1), b_sword_2.arc (+1), bsword_1.arc (+1), bsword_2.arc (+1), sword_1.arc (+1), sword_2.arc (+1), sword_3.arc (+1), sword_4.arc (+1)
gros 2006-12-30 14:40 Rev.: 5262

Moved parts of the static treasures file into separate trs files.
- gros 2006-12-30

612 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • monster/animal/Behemoth: behemoth.trs (new 4)
  • monster/animal/Giant_rat: giantrat.trs (new 4)
  • monster/animal/Neko: neko.trs (new 4)
  • monster/animal/farmyard: sheep.trs (new 16)
  • monster/animal/giant_worm: g_worm.trs (new 18)
  • monster/chaos: witch_chaos.trs (new 16)
  • monster/demon/Demon_Lord: demon_lord.trs (new 15)
  • monster/dragon: wyvern.trs (new 15)
  • monster/dragon/Chinese_Dra: chinese.trs (new 50)
  • monster/dragon/drake: drake.trs (new 7)
  • monster/elemental: witch_air.trs (new 11), witch_earth.trs (new 19), witch_fire.trs (new 9), witch_water.trs (new 13)
  • monster/misc: gargoyle.trs (new 8)
  • monster/misc/Unicorn: unicorn.trs (new 3)
  • monster/undead: banshee.trs (new 29)
  • monster/undead/skree: skree.trs (new 18)
  • player/class/Thief: thief.trs (new 32)
  • player/class/Warrior: swashbuckl.trs (new 30)
  • player/dragon_ability: dragon_abilities.trs (new 32)
  • player/race: fireborn.trs (new 54), quetzalcoatl.trs (new 36), viking.trs (new 13)
  • random: randomFood.trs (new 64)
  • traps: traps.trs (new 92)
gros 2006-12-30 09:58 Rev.: 5260

Fix for bug #1518397 - Arch awall_w_0.111 graphic needs rework.
Thanks to Aaron Baugher for those faces !
- gros 2006-12-30

0 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • wall/awall: awall_w_0.base.111.png (changed), awall_w_0.base.112.png (new), awall_w_0.base.113.png (new), awall_w_0.base.114.png (changed), awall_w_0.base.115.png (new), awall_w_0.base.116.png (changed), awall_w_0.base.117.png (new)
gros 2006-12-30 09:16 Rev.: 5256

Kept the "flat" version of the booze bottle for the classical set,
in which they perfectly fit.
- gros 2006-12-30

12 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • food: booze.clsc.111.png (new 5), boozebottle_empty.clsc.111.png (new 7)
gros 2006-12-30 09:11 Rev.: 5253

Replaced the "flat" booze bottle by a "skewed" version of it, to match the
perspective used in the standard set.
- gros 2006-12-30

0 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • food: booze.base.111.png (new), boozebottle_empty.base.111.png (changed)
gros 2006-12-30 07:56 Rev.: 5249

Updated weak wall images, solving bug #1518263 ("Arch wwall_weak_1 incorrect graphic style")
Thanks a lot to Aaron Baugher for this great contribution !
- gros 2006-12-30

0 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • wall/wwall: wwall_w_0.base.111.png (changed), wwall_w_0.base.112.png (changed), wwall_w_0.base.113.png (new), wwall_w_0.base.114.png (changed), wwall_w_0.base.115.png (new), wwall_w_0.base.116.png (new), wwall_w_0.base.117.png (changed)
gros 2006-12-29 14:20 Rev.: 5235

Added the Fenx race to the archetypes.

- gros 2006-12-29

184 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • player/race: fenx.arc (new 78), fenx.base.110.png (new 6), fenx.base.111.png (new 6), fenx.base.112.png (new 5), fenx.base.130.png (new 7), fenx.base.131.png (new 7), fenx.base.132.png (new 11), fenx.base.150.png (new 6), fenx.base.151.png (new 9), fenx.base.152.png (new 7), fenx.base.170.png (new 6), fenx.base.171.png (new 5), fenx.base.172.png (new 11), fenx.trs (new 20)
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