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Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 612 (100.0%) | 991 (100.0%) | 1.6 |
mikeeusa | 23 (3.8%) | 199 (20.1%) | 8.6 |
avogl | 43 (7.0%) | 175 (17.7%) | 4.0 |
temitchell | 95 (15.5%) | 167 (16.9%) | 1.7 |
mwedel | 284 (46.4%) | 130 (13.1%) | 0.4 |
ketche | 5 (0.8%) | 98 (9.9%) | 19.6 |
cvs | 31 (5.1%) | 90 (9.1%) | 2.9 |
peterm | 3 (0.5%) | 48 (4.8%) | 16.0 |
tchize | 15 (2.5%) | 28 (2.8%) | 1.8 |
garbled | 11 (1.8%) | 21 (2.1%) | 1.9 |
darth_bob | 15 (2.5%) | 15 (1.5%) | 1.0 |
jec | 6 (1.0%) | 14 (1.4%) | 2.3 |
uid200 | 78 (12.7%) | 6 (0.6%) | 0.0 |
qal21 | 2 (0.3%) | 0 (0.0%) | 0.0 |
akirschbaum | 1 (0.2%) | 0 (0.0%) | 0.0 |
make branche directories, delete old trunk.
0 lines of code changed in 212 files:
Rescale image to 32x32. This fixes a display error in the gtk client.
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Add client side animation support for these objects.
MSW 2006-05-29
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Update archetypes with appropriate move_block attributes. For the
land ones, don't allow swim or boat movement types. For the water ones,
allow boat movement types.
MSW 2006-02-06
21 lines of code changed in 18 files:
Quicksilver sea
0 lines of code changed in 5 files:
Fixing bad pngs by opening in GIMP and saving again. (libpng doesn't mind it, but some others like PIL die.)
0 lines of code changed in 2 files:
CVS: Arch: edited the oil ocean arch \(oil_sea.arc\) to have a black magic map and added oil_sea_ultra_viscious which one can walk on so we have an oil arch to be used in some special cases \(some random maps\) if we need a non blocking oil for some reason, which I do need :P, the regular oil_sea arch should have the same effects as water \(swimable\) but it should be 4x slower to traverse atleast.
33 lines of code changed in 2 files:
four corners to use with the sea.
98 lines of code changed in 5 files:
CVS: Arch: added some new grounds
162 lines of code changed in 9 files:
CVS: arch: updated oil_sea's name to oil ocean, has a better ring to it (before it was just 'oil')
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
CVS arch: added oil_sea
2 lines of code changed in 6 files:
fixed bug [ 1096845 ] Duplicated archtypes
falls are no more a multipart item and crystalball duplicate corrected.
Also fixed type in falls_4 (was falls_3)
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Fixed some smooth levels
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
- add smoothing for wasteland and blackrock ground arches
4 lines of code changed in 2 files:
- smoothing touchups
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Updated for new spell + skill code. Many files moved about.
Main changes for weapons is to add what skill they use.
MSW 2003-09-12
0 lines of code changed in 6 files:
- to replace the classic image to match the others
0 lines of code changed in 4 files:
- make the shallow sea yet bluer. This is as blue as it gets folks.
0 lines of code changed in 4 files:
- make the water a little more blue since some people have
said it looks too much like ice.
0 lines of code changed in 4 files:
Just removed the unneccessary "type 0".
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
renumbered all the smoothing to make some room and fix some ugliness
this scheme goes along the lines of:
beach - 10
sea - 20
floors/roads - 30
grass - 40
hills - 60
mountains - 100
forests - 125
trees - 140
24 lines of code changed in 15 files:
- new deep swamp images, smoothing - fixup grass (again) change desert
and beach images
8 lines of code changed in 8 files:
- beach is lower than water - surf's up
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
- changes for smoothing - new water, swamp smoothing and some fixes for
some arch information
33 lines of code changed in 27 files:
updated .arc files so they now contain the smoothface informations.
20 lines of code changed in 10 files:
- smooth the seas - you can also use this to enhance animation :)
3 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Blackrock had battleground type set which is definitly
wrong. I've set it to type 0 for a normal floor.
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
- tweeking smoothing levels - it is beginning to look ok...
4 lines of code changed in 3 files:
- smoothlevels for forests raised to 75, some others set with possible
3 lines of code changed in 2 files:
- add smoothlevels to these arches hopefully in line with expected
4 lines of code changed in 4 files:
New pictures for new way of handling smoothing. The grass picture is
still my ugly one but will be replaced as fast as possible...
Drawers, it's up to you now (Crossfire needs YOU!)
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
set the smoothelevel to some archetype. Added the smooth pictures
3 lines of code changed in 2 files:
-building an even closer working relationship between rivers and falls.
21 lines of code changed in 3 files:
- added a bit of spray, now there's some falls...
0 lines of code changed in 2 files:
- make falls fit to rivers heading southish
0 lines of code changed in 2 files:
-cosmetic addition, but not that I think of it, both falls will be
further changed to fit to river...
11 lines of code changed in 2 files:
- adds cold marsh, marsh and wooded hills - new pic for desert, old pic
now clsc image
37 lines of code changed in 7 files:
A new image for the waterfall, that fits the rest of the world. rivlets
for the mountains, because puddles look stupid on them.
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
New images for steppe and a lighter steppe.
13 lines of code changed in 3 files:
Fixed the mountain4 image (was not 8 bit), modified the glacier image,
added animation and glow effect to brazier and fireplace, added attache case,
added two more snow/mountain arches and a mountain5 (very high mountain)
12 lines of code changed in 2 files:
(20 more)