Directory dev/wip/spout/

Directory Created:
2008-01-09 01:26
Total Files:
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Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

dev/wip/spout/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 28 (100.0%) 189 (100.0%) 6.7
kbulgrien 20 (71.4%) 173 (91.5%) 8.6
akirschbaum 4 (14.3%) 16 (8.5%) 4.0
anmaster 4 (14.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

akirschbaum 2009-01-31 17:17 Rev.: 11295

Add explicit animations; extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

16 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • dev/wip/spout: pour_h2o.arc (+1 -7), pour_h2o.face (+12), pour_spout.arc (-1), pour_spout.face (new 3)
anmaster 2009-01-25 02:55 Rev.: 11262

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth needed for sending images to clients.̈́

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • dev/wip/spout: pour_h2o.base.111.png (changed), pour_h2o.base.112.png (changed), pour_h2o.base.113.png (changed), pour_h2o.base.114.png (changed)
kbulgrien 2008-01-10 00:52 Rev.: 8162

- Correct misspelling of `map_layer items` to `map_layer item`.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • dev/wip/spout: pour_spout.arc (+1 -1)
kbulgrien 2008-01-10 00:23 Rev.: 8161

Rework dev/wip/spout to make water wider and more visible. Also adjust the
color to better match the sea arch set. Add a reference layer of a sea tile
to spout.xcf. Convert all the .png files to indexed mode to reduce size.
Update README with methods used to produce the graphics and remove comments
about issues with the original revision. The .arc files have been modified
to add 'map_layer item' to prevent wall pieces from disappearing when these
archs are placed on top of them.

45 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • dev/wip/spout: README (+43 -27), pour_h2o.arc (+1), pour_h2o.base.111.png (changed), pour_h2o.base.112.png (changed), pour_h2o.base.113.png (changed), pour_h2o.base.114.png (changed), pour_spout.arc (+1), pour_spout.base.111.png (changed), spout.xcf (changed)
kbulgrien 2008-01-09 01:26 Rev.: 8155

Add a set of "overlay" archs that are designed to sit on top of walls to form
a spout with water pouring out. The art is designed to separate the liquid
and spout to allow spout and fluid variations. The archs are WIP because they
cause the wall underneath them to disappear. This is probably a map layer
issue. It may not take much to fix, but are not presently releasable.
The files are in dev/wip/spout, and are: pour_h2o.arc, pour_h2o.base.111.png,
pour_h2o.base.112.png, pour_h2o.base.113.png, pour_h2o.base.114.png,
pour_h2o.face, pour_spout.arc, pour_spout.base.111.png, README, spout.xcf.
Note that maps/trunk/unlinked/kbulgrien/rayvins_house.1 contains these arches.

127 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • dev/wip/spout: README (new 74), pour_h2o.arc (new 16), pour_h2o.base.111.png (new 4), pour_h2o.base.112.png (new 7), pour_h2o.base.113.png (new 4), pour_h2o.base.114.png (new 5), pour_h2o.face (new 6), pour_spout.arc (new 7), pour_spout.base.111.png (new 4), spout.xcf (new)
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