Crossfire Server, Trunk
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/bin/python
3 #
4 # Crossfire -- cooperative multi-player graphical RPG and adventure game
5 #
6 # Copyright (c) 2021 the Crossfire Development Team
7 #
8 # Crossfire is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are
9 # welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For details, please
10 # see COPYING and LICENSE.
11 #
12 # The authors can be reached via e-mail at <>.
13 #
15 import argparse
16 import shutil
18 def frame_code(frame):
19  if frame < 10:
20  return frame
21  return chr(ord('A') + frame - 10)
24 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Copy a sequence of files to Crossfire faces, adequately named. Also "
25  "generate the .face file.\nFiles are supposed to be ordered by direction "
26  "then animation frame, that is the second file is direction 2, "
27  "the 9th the second frame of direction 1's animation.\nNo check on whether "
28  "the files are actually valid PNG files or not is done.")
29 parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+')
30 parser.add_argument('--faceset', default="base", type=str, help='faceset to generate the face for, default "base"')
31 parser.add_argument('--face', required=True, type=str, help='name of the face to generate')
32 parser.add_argument('--facings', default=8, type=int, help='number of facings for the face, 1, 2, 4 or 8, default 8')
33 parser.add_argument('--magicmap', type=str, help='color to assign the face on the magicmap, default none so no magic '
34  'map information')
35 parser.add_argument('--license', type=str, help='License file to use for these faces')
37 args = parser.parse_args()
39 frames_per_direction = len(args.files) / args.facings
40 if frames_per_direction != int(frames_per_direction):
41  print("Error: number of files {0} must be divisible by facings {1}".format(len(args.files), args.facings))
42  exit(1)
44 if args.facings == 1:
45  facings = [1]
46 elif args.facings == 2:
47  facings = [1, 5]
48 elif args.facings == 4:
49  facings = [1, 3, 5, 7]
50 else:
51  facings = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
53 print("Making face for '{0}', with {1} facings and {2} frames per facing.".format(args.face, args.facings,
54  int(frames_per_direction)))
56 facing = 1
57 frame = 1
58 anim_file = "animation {0}\nfacings {1}\n".format(args.face, args.facings)
59 anims = []
60 magicmap = []
61 for f in range(0, len(facings) + 1):
62  anims.append([])
63  magicmap.append([])
64 for file in args.files:
65  shutil.copyfile(file, "{0}.{1}.1{2}{3}.png".format(args.face, args.faceset, facing, frame_code(frame)))
66  anims[facing].append("{0}.1{1}{2}\n".format(args.face, facing, frame_code(frame)))
67  if args.magicmap:
68  magicmap[facing] += "face {0}.1{1}{2}\nmagicmap {3}\nend\n".format(args.face, facing, frame_code(frame), args.magicmap)
70  facing += 1
71  if facing == len(facings) + 1:
72  facing = 1
73  frame += 1
75 for a in anims:
76  anim_file += "".join(a)
77 anim_file += "mina\n"
78 for m in magicmap:
79  anim_file += "".join(m)
81 out = open("{0}.face".format(args.face), 'w')
82 out.write(anim_file)
83 out.close()
85 if args.license:
86  shutil.copyfile(args.license, "{0}.{1}.LICENSE".format(args.face, args.faceset))
TIPS on SURVIVING Crossfire is populated with a wealth of different monsters These monsters can have varying immunities and attack types In some of them can be quite a bit smarter than others It will be important for new players to learn the abilities of different monsters and learn just how much it will take to kill them This section discusses how monsters can interact with players Most monsters in the game are out to mindlessly kill and destroy the players These monsters will help boost a player s after he kills them When fighting a large amount of monsters in a single attempt to find a narrower hallway so that you are not being attacked from all sides Charging into a room full of Beholders for instance would not be open the door and fight them one at a time For there are several maps designed for them Find these areas and clear them out All throughout these a player can find signs and books which they can read by stepping onto them and hitting A to apply the book sign These messages will help the player to learn the system One more always keep an eye on your food If your food drops to your character will soon so BE CAREFUL ! NPCs Non Player Character are special monsters which have intelligence Players may be able to interact with these monsters to help solve puzzles and find items of interest To speak with a monster you suspect to be a simply move to an adjacent square to them and push the double ie Enter your and press< Return > You can also use say if you feel like typing a little extra Other NPCs may not speak to but display intelligence with their movement Some monsters can be and may attack the nearest of your enemies Others can be in that they follow you around and help you in your quest to kill enemies and find treasure SPECIAL ITEMS There are many special items which can be found in of these the most important may be the signs all a player must do is apply the handle In the case of the player must move items over the button to hold it down Some of the larger buttons may need very large items to be moved onto before they can be activated Gates and locked but be for you could fall down into a pit full of ghosts or dragons and not be able to get back out Break away sometimes it may be worth a player s time to test the walls of a map for secret doors Fire such as missile weapons and spells you will notice them going up in smoke ! So be careful not to destroy valuable items Spellbooks sometimes a player can learn the other times they cannot There are many different types of books and scrolls out there Improve item have lower higher etc The method for creation and further improvement was changed in version Both methods are listed here
Definition: survival-guide.txt:103
Install Bug reporting Credits so make sure you have that
Definition: README.txt:6
Ores are double the weight of a bar of pure metal They contain(by weight) of the metal that a pure bar does. For example
a copper bar weighs and has a value of
Definition: ore.txt:3
TIPS on SURVIVING Crossfire is populated with a wealth of different monsters These monsters can have varying immunities and attack types In some of them can be quite a bit smarter than others It will be important for new players to learn the abilities of different monsters and learn just how much it will take to kill them This section discusses how monsters can interact with players Most monsters in the game are out to mindlessly kill and destroy the players These monsters will help boost a player s after he kills them When fighting a large amount of monsters in a single attempt to find a narrower hallway so that you are not being attacked from all sides Charging into a room full of Beholders for instance would not be open the door and fight them one at a time For there are several maps designed for them Find these areas and clear them out All throughout these a player can find signs and books which they can read by stepping onto them and hitting A to apply the book sign These messages will help the player to learn the system One more always keep an eye on your food If your food drops to your character will soon so BE CAREFUL ! NPCs Non Player Character are special monsters which have intelligence Players may be able to interact with these monsters to help solve puzzles and find items of interest To speak with a monster you suspect to be a simply move to an adjacent square to them and push the double ie Enter your and press< Return > You can also use say if you feel like typing a little extra Other NPCs may not speak to but display intelligence with their movement Some monsters can be and may attack the nearest of your enemies Others can be in that they follow you around and help you in your quest to kill enemies and find treasure SPECIAL ITEMS There are many special items which can be found in of these the most important may be the signs all a player must do is apply the handle In the case of the player must move items over the button to hold it down Some of the larger buttons may need very large items to be moved onto before they can be activated Gates and locked but be for you could fall down into a pit full of ghosts or dragons and not be able to get back out Break away sometimes it may be worth a player s time to test the walls of a map for secret doors Fire such as missile weapons and spells you will notice them going up in smoke ! So be careful not to destroy valuable items Spellbooks sometimes a player can learn the other times they cannot There are many different types of books and scrolls out there Improve item have lower weight
Definition: survival-guide.txt:100
Python Guilds Quick outline Add a guild(mapmakers) this is still a problem *after dropping the token to gain access to the stove a woodfloor now appears which is Toolshed Token(found in Guild_HQ) *Note also have multiple gates in place to protect players and items from the mana explosion drop x for Jewelers room *Jewelers room works just need to determine what x is drop x for Thaumaturgy room *Thaumaturgy room works just need to determine what x is drop gold dropping the Firestar named fearless allows access to but I suspect that the drop location of the chest is not as intended because the player is in the way once you enter the chest the exit back to the basement is things such as the message et al reside on teleporters which then transport items to the map as they are when the map is already purchased items reappear in that area From my this does not cause any problems at the moment But this should be corrected fixed Major it s now possible to buy guilds Ryo Update Uploaded guild package to CVS Changes the cauldrons and the charging room I spent a while agonizing over They were natural guild enhancements but much too much value for any reasonable expense to buy them Then I thought that they should be pay access but at a greatly reduced rate SO when you buy a forge or whatever for your guild it is available on a perplayer daily rate but it will be accessable for testing and to DMs to play with Like I said lots still to do with the especially comingt up with quest items for buying things like the new workshops and stuff One of the things I would like some input on would be proposals for additional fields for either the guildhouses or guild datafiles to play with Currently the Guildhouse but there is no reason we can t have more than one measure of a guild perhaps have dues relate to Dues and use points for some other suspended or inactive or when a guild is founded inactive active Guilds have the format
Definition: README.txt:140
non standard information is not specified or uptime this means how long since the executable has been started A particular host may have been running a server for quite a long but due to updates or the length of time the server instance has been up may be much shorter MN US< br > link< br >< a href="http: text_comment=Latest SVN 1.x branch, Eden Prairie, MN US archbase=Standard mapbase=Standard codebase=Standard num_players=3 in_bytes=142050710 out_bytes=-1550812829 uptime=909914 version=1.11.0 sc_version=1027 cs_version=1023 last_update=1214541369 END_SERVER_DATA ---- Multigod -------- This is a brief description of the MULTIGOD hack. It is preserved here for mostly historical reasons. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The intention of this code is to enhance the enjoy-ability and playability of clerical characters in the new skills/exp scheme. This is done by giving players gods to worship who in turn effect clerical magic and powers. Included in this patch are several new spells which (hopefully) will allow the priest characters a better chance to gain xp at higher levels. Notably, the "holy orb" and "holy word" spells have been revamped. When MULTIPLE_GODS flag is defined in include/config.h, this code is enabled. This code (described below) encompasses 3 main parts: an array of gods that players/NPCs may worship, new clerical spells which rely on the worshiped god's attrib- utes in Gods[] array and, altars/praying--the interface between a worshiper and their god. b.t. Implementation Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This code is flexible and easy to configure (just edit the god archetypes). Part of the reason for creating this code was to allow server maintainers to develop their own "mythos". From my personal point of view, I hate having the old "Christian" aligned mythos, but if that's what you like, you can replicate it with this code too (see below). Properties of the Gods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a fuller description of Gods archetype values. ---- name - name of the god (required) other_arch - archetype that will be used for the summon holy servant spell. title - diametrically opposed god, leave blank if none exists attacktype - favored attack of this god, used in spells of summon avatar, holy word. Recipients of "holy possession" get this too. immune - Avatars/holy servants/recipient of "holy possession" gets this. protected - all of the above AND recipient of god's blessing and the priest of this god gets this. vulnerable - Avatar/servant/recipient of gods curse/priest of this god get this. path_attuned - priest of this god and recipient of "bless" gets this path_repelled - priest and recipient of "curse" gets this path_denied - priest and recipient of "curse" gets this slaying - comma delimited list of the races of creatures that are aligned with the god. "summon cult monsters" uses. this list to find creatures. Summon avatar/call servant code assigns this value to prevent them from attacking aligned races. Value is blank if no race(s) exists. race - comma delimited list of the races of creatures "holy word", "holy possession" spells will effect. Value entry is blank if no such race(s) exists. hp,dam,ac,wc - base stats for the summoned avatar. ---- IF MORE_PRIEST_GIFTS is defined (in gods.c) then ADDITIONAL gifts/limitations will be assigned to the priest: Flags ^^^^^ Now, the following flags, in addition to being used by the god (if planted on a map) are assigned to the worshiping priest: can_use_weapon, can_use_armour, is_undead, is_blind, reflect_missile, reflect_spell, make_invisible, stealth, can_see_in_dark, xrays NOTE: if can_use_armour/can_use_weapon flags are NOT present, then the priest will be forbidden the use of these items. Stats ^^^^^ The following stats are used: ---- luck - how lucky the god (and the priest) are. last_eat - how fast priest digestion is last_hp - how fast priest healing is last_sp - how fast priest mana regeneration is last_grace - how fast priest grace regeneration is ---- Designing New Gods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To examine the gods properties, use the '-m8' flag (ie 'crossfire -m8'). Note some of the big differences here in terms of spell_paths, races, etc. Most of these entries were designed with roughly polar opposite gods. For designing new gods. You should make sure that worshiping a god will be "unique" in some way. But playbalance first! You must consider the balance between the following: . spellpaths . priest gifts . priest limitations . special spells . attacktypes . summoned monster lists . properties of the avatar and holy servant. Here are some hard and fast rules for designing gods: - Decide how the cleric will get experience. The god should be either a 'summoning', 'turning' *or* a 'wounding' god. If summoning/turning, make sure the aligned_race/enemy_race list(s) has enough creatures to summon/slay at low, medium and high levels. DONT give a god attuned to wounding AND turning||summoning (in fact, at minimum, one of these 3 paths should be repelled/denied). - make sure the summoned avatar is stronger than the servant (!) - examine the avatar/servant stats. If set inproperly, you will give wimpy/super values. For example, Avatars/servants with less than 50 hp (and a high ac/no armour) will vanish quickly. Shoot for stats like: ---- type | A V E R A G E S T A T S | hp | ac | wc | arm | dam | speed ----------|----------------------------------- servant | 50 | 5 | 5 | 20 | 5 | 0.15 avatar | 350 | -5 | -1 | 50 | 50 | 0.25 ---- Its difficult to give measurements on how to trade these off. To help guide your choices try to conserve the value of speed*dam and (armour+1)*hp. * avoid giving the potent attacktypes of death, weaponmagic and paralysis. * gods have a vulnerability for every immunity. Not all attacktypes are the same. Immunity to physical, magic and common attacktypes (like fire/cold/electric) are very potent. Similarly, vuln to these is a big negative. * SPELL paths. Carefull treatment is needed here. Give a path_denied/ or a couple path_repelled for every path_attuned. BUT note: not all paths are of equal use. (ex path_abjuration has a very large list of spells). The main clerical paths are restoration, abjuration, protection, turning, wounding and summoning. For balance, make 3-4 of these repelled/denied and 1 or 2 attuned. Be sure to check out the special spells list (below). Attuned paths like DEATH, WOUNDING and (especially) PROTECTION are very potent. Allow for some balance else where if you assign (one!) of these as a path_attuned. * If using the MORE_PRIEST_GIFTS define: priest limitations of no weapons and no armour are very negative, be sure to compensate with more than an attunded path. Of course, you may break these 'rules' to create your god. When you do that, you had better make up for the bonus elsewhere! Otherwise, you will create a 'mega-god' whose worship (by the player priests) will unbalance the game. Designing a good god takes a bit of work. Special Spells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a possibly *incomplete* list of the special spells that a god may grant use to a worshiper. Check the file spellist.h for the 0 bookchance clerical spells to find all of these. (This list was complete on 10/96). ---- INFO perceive self PROTECTION defense; immuntity to cold, fire, electricity, poison, slow, paralysis, draining, attack, and magic RESTORE remove damnation; reincarnation; raise dead; resurrection; regeneration WOUNDING cause critical wounds; retributive strike LIGHT daylight; nightfall DEATH face of death; finger of death SUMMONING insect plague CREATE wall of thorns ---- Ideas ~~~~~ * Allow sacrifices. This is an excellent way to give a cleric xp. Need to create enemy_race creatures w/ bodyparts we can sacrifice, and designate a pointer in Gods to the appropriate array of stuff we can sacrifice for xp. Experience ---------- Obsolete file kept for historical reasons. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This patch represents a "developer 's" version of the exp/skills system. While I have now achieved all of the objectives in sections "B" and "C" of the coding proposal (see README.PROPOSAL) and have play-tested as much of the code as possible, I am sure some big bugs must remain. (One for sure is that exp gained when using rod/horn/wand is wrong.) Below this section I outline 1) coding philosophy, 2) gross description of how the code impinges/interacts within older code. 3) designer's notes on the changes to the code. Comments on any area of this coding would be appreciated. Personally, I would like to see the Pow stat and a 2-type system of magic come into being. After all of you check out the code, I would like to discuss enhancements/bug fixes/implementation. For instance, is it too hard to figure out how to use the code! Sometime tomorrow exp2.tar.gz will be available in pub/thomas on b.t. Code Philosophy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To move CF over to a new skills-based experience system. In this implementation several kinds of experience will exist. Players will gain experience in each kind of experience (or category) based on their actions in the game. The sum of all the various categories of experience equals the player "score", from which dam, wc, and hp are determined. All experience gaining actions will be through the use of certain skills -- so called "associated skills". Associated skills are each related to 1 kind of experience. Thus, for example, "stealing" is a skill associated with "agility" experience. There exists also "miscellaneous" skills which allow the use of a unique skill, but which are not related to any kind of experience and whose use does not generate experience points. In this implementation, skills and objects are both treated as objects in the inventory of the user. Experience "objects" each represent one kind of experience and are always invisible. Skills objects each represent one kind of skill available in the game. Skills objects may either be invisible or have an associated bitmap (in which case they are "tools"). All experience gaining actions will be through the use of certain skills -- called "associated skills". Associated skills are each related to 1 kind of experience. Thus, for example, "stealing" is a skill associated with "agility" experience. Both Players and NPC's may only use skills which are in their inventories. NPC's do not use experience objects. A breakdown of the properties of skills and exp objects objects is as follows: ---- Object Property NPC use? ------ ----------------------------------- ------- Experience Each represents a different kind of NO experience in the game. The object in the player inventory keeps track of player experience in that category. Always is invisible. Skill- Represents a skill the player may YES associated perform. May be either invisible or visible as a "tool". Successful use of this skill generates experience. Experience is allocated to appropriate experience object. Skill- Same as above, *but* this skill is not YES miscell. related to any experience category, and use of this skill generates *no* experience. ---- Linking of associated skills to experience categories is done during initialization of the code (in init()) based on the shared stats of both. How skills and experience categories are named and linked may be changed by editing the skills/experience object archetypes. Implementation Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most important thing is that I moved most of the code into the server/skills.c and server/skill_util.c files. The skills code is loosely implemented along the lines of the spell code. This is to say that: . skills use (do_skill) is called from fire(). . there is a skills[] table similar to spells[]. . server files skills.c and skill_util.c parallel spell_effect.c and spell_util.c in respective functionallity. Particular notes about the implementation are outlined below. Defines ^^^^^^^ #define MAX_EXP_CAT be > I had to make use of several global parameters These are
Definition: arch-handbook.txt:525
Install Bug reporting Credits but rather whatever guild name you are using *With the current map and server there are three they and GreenGoblin *Whatever name you give the folder should but it will still use GUILD_TEMPLATE *You can change what guild it uses by editing the map files Modify Map or objects if you want to use the optional Python based Guild Storage hall The first three are on the main the next two are in the guild_hq and the final one is in hallofjoining Withe the Storage three objects are found on the main floor and the last two are in the basement It s not that but you will need a map editor You find the object that has the click edit and change the line script options(which currently is "GUILD_TEMPALTE") to the guild you wish to use. And make sure you use the same one for all of them or it won 't work. Here 's a quick HOWTO for using the map editor to make these changes edit the mainfloor map exit(x15, y29 - set to/Edit/This/Exit/Path in the template) back to the world map as well. If you are using the Storage Hall map(storage_hall)
Release notes for Crossfire This is see the Changelog file included with the software Major changes since but slower than players without that skill *weather system is hopefully fixed *misc bug fixes Once you have installed the you MUST download a map set point to where you installed Crossfire install Grab map set from official SourceForge page The following sets are at http
Definition: Release_notes.txt:40
non standard information is not specified or uptime this means how long since the executable has been started A particular host may have been running a server for quite a long but due to updates or the length of time the server instance has been up may be much shorter MN US< br > link< br >< a href="http: text_comment=Latest SVN 1.x branch, Eden Prairie, MN US archbase=Standard mapbase=Standard codebase=Standard num_players=3 in_bytes=142050710 out_bytes=-1550812829 uptime=909914 version=1.11.0 sc_version=1027 cs_version=1023 last_update=1214541369 END_SERVER_DATA ---- Multigod -------- This is a brief description of the MULTIGOD hack. It is preserved here for mostly historical reasons. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The intention of this code is to enhance the enjoy-ability and playability of clerical characters in the new skills/exp scheme. This is done by giving players gods to worship who in turn effect clerical magic and powers. Included in this patch are several new spells which (hopefully) will allow the priest characters a better chance to gain xp at higher levels. Notably, the "holy orb" and "holy word" spells have been revamped. When MULTIPLE_GODS flag is defined in include/config.h, this code is enabled. This code (described below) encompasses 3 main parts: an array of gods that players/NPCs may worship, new clerical spells which rely on the worshiped god's attrib- utes in Gods[] array and, altars/praying--the interface between a worshiper and their god. b.t. Implementation Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This code is flexible and easy to configure (just edit the god archetypes). Part of the reason for creating this code was to allow server maintainers to develop their own "mythos". From my personal point of view, I hate having the old "Christian" aligned mythos, but if that's what you like, you can replicate it with this code too (see below). Properties of the Gods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a fuller description of Gods archetype values. ---- name - name of the god (required) other_arch - archetype that will be used for the summon holy servant spell. title - diametrically opposed god, leave blank if none exists attacktype - favored attack of this god, used in spells of summon avatar, holy word. Recipients of "holy possession" get this too. immune - Avatars/holy servants/recipient of "holy possession" gets this. protected - all of the above AND recipient of god's blessing and the priest of this god gets this. vulnerable - Avatar/servant/recipient of gods curse/priest of this god get this. path_attuned - priest of this god and recipient of "bless" gets this path_repelled - priest and recipient of "curse" gets this path_denied - priest and recipient of "curse" gets this slaying - comma delimited list of the races of creatures that are aligned with the god. "summon cult monsters" uses. this list to find creatures. Summon avatar/call servant code assigns this value to prevent them from attacking aligned races. Value is blank if no race(s) exists. race - comma delimited list of the races of creatures "holy word", "holy possession" spells will effect. Value entry is blank if no such race(s) exists. hp,dam,ac,wc - base stats for the summoned avatar. ---- IF MORE_PRIEST_GIFTS is defined (in gods.c) then ADDITIONAL gifts/limitations will be assigned to the priest: Flags ^^^^^ Now, the following flags, in addition to being used by the god (if planted on a map) are assigned to the worshiping priest: can_use_weapon, can_use_armour, is_undead, is_blind, reflect_missile, reflect_spell, make_invisible, stealth, can_see_in_dark, xrays NOTE: if can_use_armour/can_use_weapon flags are NOT present, then the priest will be forbidden the use of these items. Stats ^^^^^ The following stats are used: ---- luck - how lucky the god (and the priest) are. last_eat - how fast priest digestion is last_hp - how fast priest healing is last_sp - how fast priest mana regeneration is last_grace - how fast priest grace regeneration is ---- Designing New Gods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To examine the gods properties, use the '-m8' flag (ie 'crossfire -m8'). Note some of the big differences here in terms of spell_paths, races, etc. Most of these entries were designed with roughly polar opposite gods. For designing new gods. You should make sure that worshiping a god will be "unique" in some way. But playbalance first! You must consider the balance between the following: . spellpaths . priest gifts . priest limitations . special spells . attacktypes . summoned monster lists . properties of the avatar and holy servant. Here are some hard and fast rules for designing gods: - Decide how the cleric will get experience. The god should be either a 'summoning', 'turning' *or* a 'wounding' god. If summoning/turning, make sure the aligned_race/enemy_race list(s) has enough creatures to summon/slay at low, medium and high levels. DONT give a god attuned to wounding AND turning||summoning (in fact, at minimum, one of these 3 paths should be repelled/denied). - make sure the summoned avatar is stronger than the servant (!) - examine the avatar/servant stats. If set inproperly, you will give wimpy/super values. For example, Avatars/servants with less than 50 hp (and a high ac/no armour) will vanish quickly. Shoot for stats like: ---- type | A V E R A G E S T A T S | hp | ac | wc | arm | dam | speed ----------|----------------------------------- servant | 50 | 5 | 5 | 20 | 5 | 0.15 avatar | 350 | -5 | -1 | 50 | 50 | 0.25 ---- Its difficult to give measurements on how to trade these off. To help guide your choices try to conserve the value of speed*dam and (armour+1)*hp. * avoid giving the potent attacktypes of death, weaponmagic and paralysis. * gods have a vulnerability for every immunity. Not all attacktypes are the same. Immunity to physical, magic and common attacktypes (like fire/cold/electric) are very potent. Similarly, vuln to these is a big negative. * SPELL paths. Carefull treatment is needed here. Give a path_denied/ or a couple path_repelled for every path_attuned. BUT note: not all paths are of equal use. (ex path_abjuration has a very large list of spells). The main clerical paths are restoration, abjuration, protection, turning, wounding and summoning. For balance, make 3-4 of these repelled/denied and 1 or 2 attuned. Be sure to check out the special spells list (below). Attuned paths like DEATH, WOUNDING and (especially) PROTECTION are very potent. Allow for some balance else where if you assign (one!) of these as a path_attuned. * If using the MORE_PRIEST_GIFTS define: priest limitations of no weapons and no armour are very negative, be sure to compensate with more than an attunded path. Of course, you may break these 'rules' to create your god. When you do that, you had better make up for the bonus elsewhere! Otherwise, you will create a 'mega-god' whose worship (by the player priests) will unbalance the game. Designing a good god takes a bit of work. Special Spells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a possibly *incomplete* list of the special spells that a god may grant use to a worshiper. Check the file spellist.h for the 0 bookchance clerical spells to find all of these. (This list was complete on 10/96). ---- INFO perceive self PROTECTION defense; immuntity to cold, fire, electricity, poison, slow, paralysis, draining, attack, and magic RESTORE remove damnation; reincarnation; raise dead; resurrection; regeneration WOUNDING cause critical wounds; retributive strike LIGHT daylight; nightfall DEATH face of death; finger of death SUMMONING insect plague CREATE wall of thorns ---- Ideas ~~~~~ * Allow sacrifices. This is an excellent way to give a cleric xp. Need to create enemy_race creatures w/ bodyparts we can sacrifice, and designate a pointer in Gods to the appropriate array of stuff we can sacrifice for xp. Experience ---------- Obsolete file kept for historical reasons. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This patch represents a "developer 's" version of the exp/skills system. While I have now achieved all of the objectives in sections "B" and "C" of the coding proposal (see README.PROPOSAL) and have play-tested as much of the code as possible, I am sure some big bugs must remain. (One for sure is that exp gained when using rod/horn/wand is wrong.) Below this section I outline 1) coding philosophy, 2) gross description of how the code impinges/interacts within older code. 3) designer's notes on the changes to the code. Comments on any area of this coding would be appreciated. Personally, I would like to see the Pow stat and a 2-type system of magic come into being. After all of you check out the code, I would like to discuss enhancements/bug fixes/implementation. For instance, is it too hard to figure out how to use the code! Sometime tomorrow exp2.tar.gz will be available in pub/thomas on b.t. Code Philosophy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To move CF over to a new skills-based experience system. In this implementation several kinds of experience will exist. Players will gain experience in each kind of experience (or category) based on their actions in the game. The sum of all the various categories of experience equals the player "score", from which dam, wc, and hp are determined. All experience gaining actions will be through the use of certain skills -- so called "associated skills". Associated skills are each related to 1 kind of experience. Thus, for example, "stealing" is a skill associated with "agility" experience. There exists also "miscellaneous" skills which allow the use of a unique skill, but which are not related to any kind of experience and whose use does not generate experience points. In this implementation, skills and objects are both treated as objects in the inventory of the user. Experience "objects" each represent one kind of experience and are always invisible. Skills objects each represent one kind of skill available in the game. Skills objects may either be invisible or have an associated bitmap (in which case they are "tools"). All experience gaining actions will be through the use of certain skills -- called "associated skills". Associated skills are each related to 1 kind of experience. Thus, for example, "stealing" is a skill associated with "agility" experience. Both Players and NPC's may only use skills which are in their inventories. NPC's do not use experience objects. A breakdown of the properties of skills and exp objects objects is as follows: ---- Object Property NPC use? ------ ----------------------------------- ------- Experience Each represents a different kind of NO experience in the game. The object in the player inventory keeps track of player experience in that category. Always is invisible. Skill- Represents a skill the player may YES associated perform. May be either invisible or visible as a "tool". Successful use of this skill generates experience. Experience is allocated to appropriate experience object. Skill- Same as above, *but* this skill is not YES miscell. related to any experience category, and use of this skill generates *no* experience. ---- Linking of associated skills to experience categories is done during initialization of the code (in init()) based on the shared stats of both. How skills and experience categories are named and linked may be changed by editing the skills/experience object archetypes. Implementation Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most important thing is that I moved most of the code into the server/skills.c and server/skill_util.c files. The skills code is loosely implemented along the lines of the spell code. This is to say that: . skills use (do_skill) is called from fire(). . there is a skills[] table similar to spells[]. . server files skills.c and skill_util.c parallel spell_effect.c and spell_util.c in respective functionallity. Particular notes about the implementation are outlined below. Defines ^^^^^^^ #define MAX_EXP_CAT be > I had to make use of several global parameters These etc FLAG_IS_HILLY needed by the mountaineer skill Should be set on all mountainous terrain FLAG_READY_WEAPON Code needs this for both players and and its use differs for each FLAG_READY_SKILL Code needs this for both players and and its use differs for each New Structures A couple of changes to the object structure where made
Definition: arch-handbook.txt:570
def frame_code(frame)
Magical Runes Runes are magical inscriptions on the dungeon which cast a spell or detonate when something steps on them Flying objects don t detonate runes Beware ! Runes are invisible most of the time They are only visible occasionally ! There are several runes which are there are some special runes which may only be called with the invoke and people may apply it to read it Maybe useful for mazes ! This rune will not nor is it ordinarily invisible Partial Visibility of they ll be visible only part of the time They have a(your level/2) chance of being visible in any given round
def open()
**Media tags please refer to the protocol file in doc Developers protocol Quick example
Definition: media-tags.txt:12