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CF: blindness patch

	The following patch will fix up things for the big 
	monsters. Basically, if a monster has see_invisible,
	it cant be effected by blindness. Since all the big
	monsters (exp Gaellotroll) have see_invis, your 
	playbalance problems should (mostly) disappear. 
	Someone should probably give the gaelotroll see_invis
	to round out the playbalance.


ps. if you cant figure it out, apply this to server/monster.c
*** ../../tarfiles/crossfire-0.92.3/server/monster.c	Thu Mar  7 03:38:23 1996
--- ./monster.c	Sun Mar 31 09:52:01 1996
*** 74,84 ****
  int check_wakeup(object *op, object *enemy) {
    int radius = op->stats.Wis>MIN_MON_RADIUS?op->stats.Wis:MIN_MON_RADIUS;
    objectlink *ol;
    /* blinded monsters can only find nearby objects to attack */
  	radius = MIN_MON_RADIUS;
  #ifdef USE_LIGHTING 
    /* This covers the situation where the monster is in the dark 
     * and has an enemy. If the enemy has no carried light (or isnt 
     * glowing!) then the monster has trouble finding the enemy. 
--- 74,84 ----
  int check_wakeup(object *op, object *enemy) {
    int radius = op->stats.Wis>MIN_MON_RADIUS?op->stats.Wis:MIN_MON_RADIUS;
    objectlink *ol;
    /* blinded monsters can only find nearby objects to attack */
  	radius = MIN_MON_RADIUS;
  #ifdef USE_LIGHTING 
    /* This covers the situation where the monster is in the dark 
     * and has an enemy. If the enemy has no carried light (or isnt 
     * glowing!) then the monster has trouble finding the enemy.