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Re: CF: Publicity

On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 01:34:00PM -0500, Bob Tanner wrote:
> Quoting Peter Mardahl ():
> > > - Put everything into CVS and allow anonymous read-only access to it.
> > 
> > All of { arch maps client server crossedit } ARE in cvs.  I don't want to
> > allow anonymous CVS access yet:  I don't want security problems with the machine,
> > and anonymous CVS worries me.
> I hear that. Do you have a machine that is behind a firewall? Just doing
> pserver and port redirection on the firewall would help secure the box. That
> is what I did.

If you're not already, i'd also recommend using the cvs 'passwd' file along
with the 'writers' file in your CVSROOT.  That keeps it pretty self
contained.  I haven't heard of anyone exploiting servers from having anon
cvs access (and I know lots of sites that have it).

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