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Re: Making Mark's life easier, was: Re: CF: Use CVS

Mark Wedel wrote:
>  I'll have to look at the CVS stuff, but as I recall from what I have
> seen, not everyone has the ability to update the repository (anyone can
> grab).   So I could limit the update access to those people whom I trust
> more in terms of making bugfixes and the like.

Exactly.  This is how we manage the Netrek CVS repository.  I dictate
what goes into a release, and a certain number of trusted coders have
rights to update the repository.  Anyone can grab the current version

> That was one question of mine - CVS would seem to work fine when smaller
> patches/improvements are not being made, but would seem to be much more
> difficult when very large changes are made.

Yes.  Most other Open Source projects cover this issue by scheduling a
freeze of certain parts of the repository for the purpose of doing such
work.  If you have a small inner circle of developers, then organising
this freeze is easier.

One example that the Netrek repository is about to experience is the
ANSIfication of certain major modules within the code base.

> I can see if I can find something around here to put it on.

To get one up and running on my home Linux system took a fetch of the
CVS package from Cyclic, one configure/compile/install, and a "cvs
import" command.

James Cameron                                      ()

OpenVMS, Linux, Firewalls, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH,
COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers,
Disability Engineering, Netrek, Bicycles, Pedant, Farming, Home Control,
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