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CF: a couple questions

First off, I was wondering how to make my text screen (right hand side) of 
my crossfire display scrollable.  For example when I apply the inventory of 
a shop, it shows all of it and ends.  I used to be able to scroll through, 
with something like press a key to see next screen full, and see all the 
items that way.  As it is, I only see the last screen of items, and am 
missing a lot of things.  Is there a flag somewhere I need to set for this?  
Seems straightforward to make this an automatic feature.
Also I am totally puzzled as to why my crossedit doesn't seem to be working 
properly.  I will log in as root, I chmod'd all the maps to 777, so I can do 
absolutely anything I want to them, and when I am using crossedit, I can't 
make any changes to the map when typing is required.  I can add an 
object/monster/exit/whatever by selecting and adding with the mouse, but if 
I want to say select the exit of a building to appear at /map/xxx I can't 
type in the box, or can't type in any box at all.  I will have the cursor in 
the appropriate box and have the correct window highlighted (trust me here) 
and my typing will print to the shell I ran crossedit from.  I see no reason 
why it would be doing this.

Any help on these matters is appreciated.

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