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Re: CF: a couple questions

Sean McInerney wrote:
> First off, I was wondering how to make my text screen (right hand side) of
> my crossfire display scrollable.

 add -scrollines <number> to the options you use when you run cfclient.  You can
use 'savedefaults after running the client and it will save that setting to a
file so you won't need to supply it to future runs.

> absolutely anything I want to them, and when I am using crossedit, I can't
> make any changes to the map when typing is required. 

 This is fixed in the CVS release (Makefile/ problem.)  Another
workaround is to see if you window manager has a focus lenience type setting and
enable that - that should also allow input to work and may be easier to set than
downloading the latest cvs release.
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