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Re: CF: Relations, races and gods

David Sundqvist wrote:

> As for regions, I was considering the possiblity of a region definition
> file. This could specify default subrace settings for the different
> common races in the region (unspecified would default to default race
> settings). It would also specify things like 'region random monster
> generators', which would give appropriate defaults to outdoors monster
> generators, region default random scroll/book lore, and probably contain
> specifications for mapmakers wanting to do work in the region.

 The other way would be to extend the map object (map file header) to include
more of this.  One possibility would be a 'region xxxx' field, with the details
of the regions being defined elsewhere lib/regions

 How to all integrate that could be a bit more difficult (merging the region
information into the object) - you probably don't want to have a an extra copy
of all the arcehtypes, so instead you more need a definition that shop_floor
should use some other treasurelist.

 It could be the easiest from a server standpoint to have the editor handle this
- have the editor have some templates that it will apply on top of other objects
(subrace, random items for the shops, whatever).  Now the same logic is more or
less needed, but you don't have to worry about it dynamically changing, and with
it in the editor, the efficiency of the code isn't a very big concern.
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