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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

Mark Wedel wrote:
> David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> > I hadn't thought of that.  Two players with drain attacks and potions
> > of restoration could drain each other to gain experience.  There are
> > three solutions to this that I can think of:
> >
> > 1) Don't implement drain recovery.
> >
> > 2) Make drain from undead recoverable, but not drain from other
> >    players.
> >
> > 3) Don't give the attacking player any of the experience drained from
> >    another player.
> >
> > Personally, I prefer the third option.

>  #2 keeps the status quo basically.

i'd vote for #3 w/ a compile-time option for turning it
off (sort of like berserk mode).  if you want a site where
folks are polite to one another you can have it.  if you
want a site where players can drain each other do that
also (my server would be the former, mind you).  

one other option: make drain from undead recoverable only
from undead (i.e., if you run across a grim reaper then
you'd better be prepared to drain exp from other undead's
to make it up).

side effect: if we limited the levels to, say, around 30
then the grim reaper would have less of an effect (there
would be less to loose than if you were a 99th level
whatever).  this means that drain, exp and the ramp of
exp:spells or exp:AC should be examined (e.g., a fireborn
or quetzaquotal that gets hit by grim reaper gets double-
whammy on spells cast and protection).  if spells were 
more spread out (not a bad thing) then meeing up with
a grim reaper would most certianly deny use of some 

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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