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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

Steven Lembark wrote:
> Mark Wedel wrote:
> >
> > David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> > > I hadn't thought of that.  Two players with drain attacks and potions
> > > of restoration could drain each other to gain experience.  There are
> > > three solutions to this that I can think of:
> > >
> > > 1) Don't implement drain recovery.
> > >
> > > 2) Make drain from undead recoverable, but not drain from other
> > >    players.
> > >
> > > 3) Don't give the attacking player any of the experience drained from
> > >    another player.
> > >
> > > Personally, I prefer the third option.
> >  #2 keeps the status quo basically.
> i'd vote for #3 w/ a compile-time option for turning it
> off (sort of like berserk mode).  if you want a site where
> folks are polite to one another you can have it.  if you
> want a site where players can drain each other do that
> also (my server would be the former, mind you).

 Actually, if you want players to be more aggressive, then #2 is probably a
better idea.  The problem as stated with #3 is that players (if they have some
restore potions), can basically get infinite exp.  Probably not a good idea on
any server, with or without config option.

 #2 definately makes things more agressive - if another player drains you, you
are hosed.

 At least one problem with player->player drain is that it can be unlimited. 
Grimreapers, the most common drain creatures, will only attack 10 times before
they disappear, effectively limiting the amount they wil ldrain.  

 I wonder if it may be more interesting to make draining weapons more ego item
like - they will drain some amount of exp, and then be satiated and won't drain
again for quite a while.  At least that way, there is some more effective limit.

 I'm a little reluctant to add more options that change gameplay, because that
just makes things even harder to balance on the server.  The one solution to
that is to have an official configuration, and any variation is not considered
supported and any play balance issues in such configurations will not be
corrected (unless they also apply to the supported configuration).

> one other option: make drain from undead recoverable only
> from undead (i.e., if you run across a grim reaper then
> you'd better be prepared to drain exp from other undead's
> to make it up).

 Unfortunately, most undead don't have a big exp reward, so it would be hard to
regain it.  And of course, you need a weapon that drains, which may or may not
be common.
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