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CF: Race, Reputation and other suggestions

I was just thinking...

I for one am in favour of each character being chosen by RACE alone.

eg. Human, Fireborn, whatever...

Then, as in life, you can choose the career and get skills for your character by training and

Guilds are a good idea methinks.
I wouldn't mind if in some 'graduation ceremony' or whatever the face of the character was changed
when a new skill was gained. (E.g. A wizard when legerdomain is mastered)

Also, as far as reputation is concerned, why don't we implement the old D&D concept of alignment?
With perhaps 9 or so different levels.

Then maps (or NPC's) could also have alignment set. This would allow all sorts of cool things. For
example a chaotically inclined thief could refuse to talk to a super sweet knight. Maps could
exclude or change the responses for differently aligned characters too. Areas of the world should
benifit/hinder a character of the wrong alignmnent - perhaps shop prices are different. Maybe a
"good" character gets a better price and an "evil" one has a greater chance of getting away with
theft etc..

Even better, monsters of different alignments should really attack each other as well.

Perhaps each god has a 'base' alignment you get by joining the cult, that can be modified by
praying, doing quests etc.

I realise this sort of infringes of charisma, but I do envisage that they could be seperated...

Any thoughts?

John the mad mage

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