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Re: CF: Race, Reputation and other suggestions

>  I have enough trouble determining alignment in real life games.  Having the
> game try to figure this out and enforce it would be really diffult.
>  Good people should not do 'evil' acts.  But what is an evil act?  Killing a
> townsperson probably is, but not killing goblins or whatever.
>  I see no reason to add that complexity to the game.  If we are going to do a
> reputation, lets do it on reputation alone, with various modifiers.  Complete
> the old city quest?  Reputation goes up.  Complete some other quest that is bad
> for the city (but maybe good for you)?  reputation goes down.
>  Much simpler to deal with (IMO), but also doesn't limit the players in any way.

i'm probably shooting myself in the foot as a habitual wraith, but...

what about simply having CHA start at some (fairly low) value for
everyone with quests upping the charisma (via alter-like item at
end of quest).  complete the quest your cha goes up.  

interesting thing might be to have some sort of `tuning' of cha:
kill a maid it goes down a little, kill a troll it goes up a bit.
making this simple additive certianly simplifies the code. 

for real fun add some kind of decay to it -- sort of like hunger
at a much slower rate.  either complete a certian number quests
or watch your cha go to zero.  basically this could be treated as
a `hunger for recognition' or something.  having it tied to 
completing quests, vs simply killing things, might add some interest...

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
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