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Re: Resting (was Re: CF: New idea for Disease and other Stuffs...)

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 19:55:37 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Andrew McCall <>
> [...]
> > Second,
> > I thought it might be interesting if the idea of
> > rest was introduced into the game.
> I've been thinking about something like that, but there are a fair
> number of details to work out.  Rather than just awake or asleep
> modes, I'm leaning toward a variable rest level based on how much of
> your speed you're using.  When your speed determines that you are able
> to move, but you haven't given any commands, that idle time would be
> added to your resting rate.

 My personal thought would be that is more or less correct, but rest should also
be based against ticks, and not player actions.

 For example, a player with a fast speed means he moves very quickly.  I don't
think it should necessarily mean he rests faster than other people.  This is
especially true with the speed is gained via things like boots of speed - yes he
walks faster (and unfortunately, in current releases also translates into faster
attacks), but he should still rest at the same rate as most everyone else.

 This should probably be done by tracking the last tick the player did an
You can then take the number of ticks that have elapsed (which is different than
the number of ticks the player has an action he has not chosen to use), and
adjust resting on that.

 Things can also get more complicated if you think about the fact that there are
some commands which probably should not affect resting.  Saying something to
someon else can not be done while asleep, but I could see a resting character
doing that.  And you also have the game play commands which are not actual
player commands - things like who.

 The other thought I have on this is that perhaps some of thos currently unused
items (chairs, beds, tables, etc) should be used for purposes of resting.  Sit
in the chair, and you rest faster, but need to take an action to stand up (and
you need to be standing up to do most any other action).  Beds are for lying
down/sleeping, and take more actions to get up.

 Ideally, but harder to do, you should only be able to sleep if you don't have
much of anything equipped (rings/amulets and perhaps a small weapon OK, but you
can't sleep with 4 sacks, dragon armor, 6 weapons, and a bunch of other stuff). 
Also, certain actions should be easier against sleeping characters (stealing
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