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RE: CF: oddity in the pup_land raffle #2

-----Original Message-----
From: Seikoh Nishita
Sent: 9/5/99 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: CF: oddity in the pup_land raffle #2


I thought of some "stage effects". I wanted players to see some
mysterious world in their vision(the world is made by some tough
monsters.) When they kill the monsters, the mysterious world made by
monsters will disapper and they'll find they are in a simple ordinary

But, maybe this "stage effects" is not accepted in the crossfire world.
Are there illusory objects or illusion-related spells already in the
Crossfire universe?  If so, this suggestion qualifies as a TODO feature.  If
not, maybe there should be.

I notice a cultural disfunction (or something) occuring here.  The
phenomenon described is very much a Japanese thing, so far as I can tell.
Most Western monsters don't have nearly enough power to manipulate their
victim's perception of the world, but in the anime I've watched, it seems to
be an almost common occurence.  Since we appear to have a sizeable
contingent of Japanese players, I call upon you all to please speak up.  If
a major fantasy element common in Eastern fantasy worlds is missing, say so.
If it fits, it may very well be implemented.  It might at least make it into
the TODO list.  ^_^  Development of Crossfire has been dominated by Western
thinking since the beginning, so I'm sure there are holes.

Magic walls can invoke magics quickly, and sometimes they make server
work too hard. (as a result, players cannot move quickly.)
To avoid from such problem, I used boulders at the map

That sounds like a design issue with the server that should be fixed.  Add
it to the list...

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