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RE: CF: the begining of crossfire

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Wedel
To: crossfire mailing list
Sent: 9/8/99 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: CF: the begining of crossfire


 I agree.  I think in the end, at least 2 scales will be used - indoor
and outdoor.  Note one other suggestion which will likely be done is to
increase the viewable size from 11x11 to 17x17 or something similar.
<pounce>  While we're on the subject of increasing the number of tiles
visible, how about increasing the size and color depth of the tiles as well?
What we have now is still intensely affected by the font scheme that used to
exist to display graphics.  That worked well 8 years ago, but isn't it time
to update?  I think I mentioned the fact I know an artist who has expressed
an interest in doing a rework of the graphics.  I anticipated a howl of
resistance to that proposal, and disclaimed it even as I suggested it, but
all I saw was stony silence.  Is that approval or disapproval?  :)

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