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Re: CF: Word of Recall and Portal (was: Prot/chaos, Efficiency, and Portals)

David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:
> >  When you parse an item, you traverse the array, and when you get a
> > match, you use the type value in the structure and assign it to the
> > object.
> Sounds like a good plan to me.  Unless someone else feels motivated to
> get that done, I'll add it somewhere near the bottom of my own To-Do
> list.

 As a note, there are no propose changes for the client for the 0.96 release, so
people can work all they want on that without interfering with any of the work
that will be done for 0.96.

> Actually, I was thinking of the word of recall scrolls in some other
> rogue-like games.  If you read one from anywhere in the dungeon, it
> puts you back in town.  If you read it in town, it puts you on the
> lowest dungeon level you've visited.

 Yeah - I think moria did that.  OTOH, those games only had one dungeon, where
crossfire had many.  Not that should be a deciding factor in adding/not adding

> >  I would suggest a more modest approach for word of recall, and sort
> > of do away with word of return:
> >
> >  1) If player has no return point, the first altar he prays over
> > becomes his return point (this is for starting players).
> >  1a) IF the player does have a return point, and is standing over an
> > altar to a god, add some minor spell which now makes this his return
> > point.
> >  2) When player casts the spell, he returns to that altar.  Before
> > actually teleporting the player there, make sure it is to the same
> > god.
> I like that idea.  I only see one problem with it.  What if the player
> doesn't want to worship a god?  Praying over an altar the first time
> would select that god to worship.  How about setting the return point
> by sacrificing a scroll of word of recall?  Or should choosing your
> return point be a priviledge reserved for those who have chosen a god
> to worship?

 Its one of those questions I have thought about for AD&D play - for clerical
type spells on scrolls, who is really granting that prayer?  Similar applies to
crossfire - for clerical prayer scrolls, which god is actually granting that

 I dont want to deal with having each scroll for a specific god.  But it doesn't
seem like a big issue to require a player to have a god if he wants to use
higher level cleric spells, even if they are from scrolls.

> Actually, that was my first suggestion, except that you could have
> multiple destinations by naming them, i.e. "invoke portal set home" to
> create a destination called "home".  Giving it just one parameter,
> "set" or "open", should be no problem.  The only catch is magic items.
> I could solve that by making "portal stones" set a destination if
> applied on the ground and open a portal to that destination if applied
> from your inventory.  They'd require some special code, insted of just
> being balms with a different picture, but I can live with that.

 Or it could be like word of recall discussed above - two spells are needed -
one to set the first point, the other to set the second point.  But having to do
2 spells for such tasks would probably start to get excessive.
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