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Re: CF: The Archer
- To: crossfire (at)
- Subject: Re: CF: The Archer
- From: David Andrew Michael Noelle <>
- Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 17:48:33 -0500
- In-reply-to: <>()
- Sender:
> From: "Doug wilder" <>
> Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 10:40:40 EDT
> I personally think that there should be a lot more recipies for items. They
> can be given out in the standard way or can be given out in quests.
Good point. I was just thinking the same thing. For some
suggestions, I'll check my artifacts file and see what doesn't have a
recipe yet:
Weapons are probably not a good choice for alchemy. Daggers might be
an exception, but anything larger than that would probably be better
handled by a skilled smith with a magical forge (NPC):
Dagger of Poison
1 dagger
2 demon's icor
4 scorpions' stingers
Dagger of Paralysis
1 dagger
1 wight's corpse
2 scorpions' stingers
For the most part, alchemy for armor would be pretty ludicrous.
Cloaks and robes are a possibility, though. Alchemy would be a good
explanation for those robes of metal weave, for example:
Robe of Metal Weave
1 robe
8 mercury
8 Mithril Crystals
Arrows and bolts make more sense for alchemy than melee weapons,
albeit not by a whole lot. There's a precedent folrl a few of them
anyway, so I'll just throw out some suggestions for some of the
Arrows/Bolts of Fear
20 arrows or bolts
2 ghost's ectoplasm
1 orc's heart
Arrows/Bolts of Accuracy
20 arrows or bolts
1 water of diamond
2 xan's wing
2 clover
Arrows/Bolts of Fire
20 arrows or bolts
1 water of ruby
1 fire elemental's residue
2 pile of philosophical sulphur
Arrows/Bolts of Frost
20 arrows or bolts
1 water of sapphire
1 water elemental's residue
2 pile of philosophical salt
Arrows/Bolts of Poison
20 arrows or bolts
1 water of emerald
2 snake skin (or 3 poison "booze")
1 scorpion's stinger
Arrows/Bolts of Lightning
20 arrows or bolts
1 water of diamond
2 pile of philosophical phosphorus
1 mercury
Arrows/Bolts of Paralysis
20 arrows or bolts
4 booze
2 scorpion stinger
Bolts of Silver Head
20 bolts
2 Water of the Wise
80 silver coins
Bolts of Piercing
20 bolts
2 fixed mercury
20 diamonds
Magical food - cooking with alchemy
2 potato
2 food
1 cheese
1 onion (or carrot, or apple...)
Waybread of Aelingas
2 potato
2 food
1 cheese
1 mushroom of stamina
generic non-poisonous food
various yields from corpses, livers, hearts, steaks, or other
generic unidentified "food"
-Dave Noelle,
-the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email ==
Disclaimer:Don't ask me; I just live here.
Quote of the Day:
"Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than
one man. How's that again? I missed something.
"Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a
million men. Let's play that over again, too. Who decides?"
- Lazarus Long
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