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Re: CF: Bug: win32/say cmd & memory leak

On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 09:59:43PM +0200, Michael Toennies wrote:
> Also in the last CVS release, i can kill the server when i type 200 chars in
> the chat window
> and press the say cmd. If i shout the string, all works fine.

Probably a buffer overflow.

> Also, in the 95.5. i create me a superman ring for map testing, give him all
> immunities and
> protections. that means all including blind but not internal.
> After i try to ID the ring, the server crashes badly (and i make the guy
> next to me crying because
> i kill his 20mb download :).

There are many places where an item desciption is stored in a buffer
smaller than a few thousand characters.  There are also two places in
socket/item.c where a string is sent to the client and the protocol is
limited to 255 characters (this can be worked around by truncating the
string).  I can't make a patch that fixes this because there are too
many conflicts with the apply() cleanup patch.

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