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CF: Beware of triggers!


I have finished testing my apply() cleanup patch and fixed many more
problems (of course not in the new apply code, but in the rest of
crossfire ;->).  One of them is that triggers didn't work.  Types
TRIGGER and TRIGGER_ALTAR behaved exactly as HANDLE and ALTAR.  This
will be fixed with the patch, but many maps depend on broken behaviour
of these.  TRIGGER_PEDESTAL is not so critical because its behaviour
doesn't differ much from PEDESTAL anyway.  TRIGGER_BUTTON is also
working now, and a new archetype (arch button_trigger) has been added.

Any volunteers who would like to fix the maps when I release the
patch?  Fixing a map means to replace the trigger objects with normal
objects (arch trigger with arch handle etc.).  I have already looked at
all maps except those in /pup_land/ (I don't know pupland well enough
to decide if something doesn't work) and the following maps appear to
be broken:

("dangerous" means that you can trap yourself)

/asyvan/gate9 (problem or feature?)
/city/misc/mercenaries (dangerous!)
/city/towers/tower.mad2 (? now only works with two players)
/dragonisland/advguild (dangerous!)
/dragonisland/apartment2 (dangerous!)
/dragonisland/bloodwell (dangerous!)
/dragonisland/drowmansion (dangerous!)
/dragonisland/keysale (dangerous!)
/dtabb/caterham/circus/double (dangerous!)
/navar_city/city1enter (dangerous!)
/navar_city/city1prison (dangerous!)
/peterm/Demonology/Demon3 (dangerous!)

* Comment about manually applying a button which triggers a magic mouth
is no longer true.
* Comment about missing button triggers is no longer true.
* Comment about trigger gates:  Period of time can be set by op->stats.exp,
is documented in crossfire.doc.
* Trigger altars work multiple times.

* inverted trigger gate(?): a normal trigger should do the same now

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