/arch/trunk Developers: bbotbuilder

Login name:
Total Commits:
82 (0.1%)
Lines of Code:
97 (0.1%)
Most Recent Commit:
2008-08-16 21:19

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for bbotbuilder

Activity by Day of Week for bbotbuilder

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 82 (100.0%) 97 (100.0%) 1.1
food/ 33 (40.2%) 40 (41.2%) 1.2
flesh/misc/ 9 (11.0%) 9 (9.3%) 1.0
transport/ 5 (6.1%) 8 (8.2%) 1.6
talisman/ 5 (6.1%) 7 (7.2%) 1.4
flesh/generic/ 7 (8.5%) 7 (7.2%) 1.0
traps/ 6 (7.3%) 6 (6.2%) 1.0
system/ 6 (7.3%) 6 (6.2%) 1.0
flesh/dragon/ 2 (2.4%) 5 (5.2%) 2.5
system/mood_floors/ 4 (4.9%) 4 (4.1%) 1.0
flesh/human/ 2 (2.4%) 2 (2.1%) 1.0
gods/items/ 1 (1.2%) 1 (1.0%) 1.0
flesh/demon/ 1 (1.2%) 1 (1.0%) 1.0
armour/shield/ 1 (1.2%) 1 (1.0%) 1.0

Activity of bbotbuilder

Most Recent Commits

bbotbuilder 2008-08-16 21:19 Rev.: 9749

food/, gods/:
* take care of depreciated 'color_fg' keys by changing them to
'magicmap' or deleting them

41 lines of code changed in 34 files:

  • food: apple.arc (+1 -1), apple_partitions.arc (+3 -3), bag_popcorn.arc (+1 -1), blackroot.arc (+1 -1), booze.arc (+1 -1), cabbage.arc (+1 -1), carrot.arc (+1 -1), ch_burger.arc (+1 -1), chocolate.arc (+1 -1), clover.arc (+1 -1), drag_steak.arc (+1 -1), fish.arc (+4 -4), fishfood.arc (+1 -1), food.arc (+1 -1), gen_mushroom.arc (+1 -1), haggis.arc (+1 -1), loaf.arc (+1 -1), man_root.arc (+1 -1), mint.arc (+1 -1), onion.arc (+1 -1), orange.arc (+1 -1), pear.arc (+1 -1), pipeweed.arc (-1), poisonfood.arc (+4 -4), potato.arc (+1 -1), roast_bird.arc (+1 -1), rose.arc (-3), s_weasel.arc (+1 -1), tomato.arc (+2 -2), uf6.arc (+1 -1), w_glass.arc (+1 -1), water.arc (+1 -1), wine.arc (+1 -1)
  • gods/items: tear_gaea.arc (+1 -1)
bbotbuilder 2008-08-16 20:36 Rev.: 9748

system/, talisman/, traps/, transport/:
* change a bunch of 'color_fg' keys to 'magicmap'

31 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • system: blocked.arc (+1 -1), check_inv.arc (+1 -1), creator.arc (+1 -1), duplicator.arc (+1 -1), editcursor.arc (+1 -1), player_changer.arc (+1 -1)
  • system/mood_floors: angry_floor.arc (+1 -1), calm_floor.arc (+1 -1), charm_floor.arc (+1 -1), sleep_floor.arc (+1 -1)
  • talisman: amulet.arc (+3 -3), collar.arc (+1 -1), ring.arc (+1 -2), ring_drain.arc (+1 -1), tooth_charm.arc (+1 -1)
  • transport: fishboat.arc (+2 -2), galleon.arc (+1 -1), longship.arc (+2 -2), rowboat.arc (+2 -2), wagon.arc (+1 -1)
  • traps: blades.arc (+1 -1), falling_rocks.arc (+1 -1), needle.arc (+1 -1), spiked_pit.arc (+1 -1), spikes.arc (+1 -1), trap.arc (+1 -1)
bbotbuilder 2008-08-16 20:07 Rev.: 9747

armour/shield/DShield.arc, flesh/*
* Change a bunch of 'color_fg' keys to 'magicmap'
* make the magicmap color correspond to the dragon scale's color

25 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • armour/shield: DShield.arc (+1 -1)
  • flesh/demon: icor.arc (+1 -1)
  • flesh/dragon: dragon_claw.arc (+1 -1), dragon_sca.arc (+4 -4)
  • flesh/generic: brain.arc (+1 -1), heart.arc (+1 -1), hide_black.arc (+1 -1), hide_brown.arc (+1 -1), hide_grey.arc (+1 -1), hide_white.arc (+1 -1), liver.arc (+1 -1)
  • flesh/human: corpse1.arc (+1 -1), corpse_pl.arc (+1 -1)
  • flesh/misc: ectoplasm.arc (+1 -1), insect_sting.arc (+1 -1), insect_wing.arc (+1 -1), pix_dust.arc (+1 -1), pix_wing.arc (+1 -1), residue.arc (+1 -1), serpent_skin.arc (+1 -1), sheepskin.arc (+1 -1), u_horn.arc (+1 -1)
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