Directory arch/trunk/spell/Bullet/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                    directory in repo Fire (22 files, 209 lines)
                    directory in repo Shell (16 files, 131 lines)

Lines of Code

arch/trunk/spell/Bullet/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 654 (100.0%) 623 (100.0%) 0.9
akirschbaum 151 (23.1%) 307 (49.3%) 2.0
kbulgrien 23 (3.5%) 110 (17.7%) 4.7
ryo_saeba 155 (23.7%) 98 (15.7%) 0.6
qal21 140 (21.4%) 62 (10.0%) 0.4
mwedel 55 (8.4%) 22 (3.5%) 0.4
meflin2 17 (2.6%) 17 (2.7%) 1.0
rjtanner 4 (0.6%) 4 (0.6%) 1.0
Alestan 3 (0.5%) 3 (0.5%) 1.0
anmaster 106 (16.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

rjtanner 2017-09-30 03:45 Rev.: 20529

Merge in updated spell message information (only) from branches/Spell_shuffle

4 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_comet.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_small_fireball.arc (+1 -1)
ryo_saeba 2012-01-21 03:33 Rev.: 16758

Add faces to spells.

2 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_asteroid.arc (+1 -1), spell_asteroid.base.111.png (new), spell_sm_bullet.arc (+1 -1), spell_sm_bullet.base.111.png (new)
ryo_saeba 2011-11-20 09:31 Rev.: 15841

Faces for manaball, copy of their current face.

5 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: manaball.arc (+1 -1), manaball.base.111.png (new), manaball.base.112.png (new), manaball.base.113.png (new), manaball.base.114.png (new), manaball.face (+4 -4)
ryo_saeba 2011-11-20 09:27 Rev.: 15839

Fix face.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: loose_magic.arc (+1 -1)
ryo_saeba 2011-11-20 09:25 Rev.: 15838

Faces for loose_magic, copy of their current face.

4 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: loose_magic.base.111.png (new), loose_magic.base.112.png (new), loose_magic.base.113.png (new), loose_magic.base.114.png (new), loose_magic.face (+4 -4)
ryo_saeba 2011-11-20 09:14 Rev.: 15836

Basic faces for manabullet.

9 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: manabullet.base.111.png (new), manabullet.base.121.png (new), manabullet.base.131.png (new), manabullet.base.141.png (new), manabullet.base.151.png (new), manabullet.base.161.png (new), manabullet.base.171.png (new), manabullet.base.181.png (new), manabullet.face (+9 -9)
ryo_saeba 2011-11-20 08:43 Rev.: 15834

Run optipng on the faces.

0 lines of code changed in 23 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: holy_effect.base.111.png (changed), holy_effect.base.112.png (changed), holy_effect.base.113.png (changed), spell_cause_critical_wounds.base.111.png (changed), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.base.111.png (changed), spell_cause_light_wounds.base.111.png (changed), spell_cause_medium_wounds.base.111.png (changed), spell_comet.base.111.png (changed), spell_hellfire.base.111.png (changed), spell_holy_orb.base.111.png (changed), spell_large_fireball.base.111.png (changed), spell_large_manaball.base.111.png (changed), spell_large_snowstorm.base.111.png (changed), spell_lg_magic_bullet.base.111.png (changed), spell_magic_bullet.base.111.png (changed), spell_medium_fireball.base.111.png (changed), spell_medium_manaball.base.111.png (changed), spell_medium_snowstorm.base.111.png (changed), spell_poison_cloud.base.111.png (changed), spell_small_fireball.base.111.png (changed), spell_small_manaball.base.111.png (changed), spell_small_snowstorm.base.111.png (changed), spell_vitriol.base.111.png (changed)
ryo_saeba 2011-11-20 08:30 Rev.: 15832

Faces for holy orb's effect, modification of the turnundead ones.

13 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: holy_effect.arc (+1 -1), holy_effect.base.111.png (new), holy_effect.base.112.png (new), holy_effect.base.113.png (new), holy_effect.face (+12 -3)
ryo_saeba 2011-06-19 17:10 Rev.: 14667

Add icons for spells, taken from JXClient's sources, revision 4199.

20 lines of code changed in 40 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_bullet.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_critical_wounds.base.111.png (new), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.base.111.png (new), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_light_wounds.base.111.png (new), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_medium_wounds.base.111.png (new), spell_comet.arc (+1 -1), spell_comet.base.111.png (new), spell_hellfire.arc (+1 -1), spell_hellfire.base.111.png (new), spell_holy_orb.arc (+1 -1), spell_holy_orb.base.111.png (new), spell_large_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_fireball.base.111.png (new), spell_large_manaball.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_manaball.base.111.png (new), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_snowstorm.base.111.png (new), spell_lg_bullet.arc (+1 -1), spell_lg_magic_bullet.base.111.png (new), spell_magic_bullet.base.111.png (new), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_fireball.base.111.png (new), spell_medium_manaball.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_manaball.base.111.png (new), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_snowstorm.base.111.png (new), spell_poison_cloud.arc (+1 -1), spell_poison_cloud.base.111.png (new), spell_small_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_small_fireball.base.111.png (new), spell_small_manaball.arc (+1 -1), spell_small_manaball.base.111.png (new), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (+1 -1), spell_small_snowstorm.base.111.png (new), spell_vitriol.arc (+1 -1), spell_vitriol.base.111.png (new)
ryo_saeba 2011-06-05 11:16 Rev.: 14514

Add name so archetype name doesn't appear.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: cause_wounds.arc (+1)
ryo_saeba 2010-11-13 17:59 Rev.: 14082

Add skills to abilities. This should fix various experience-related bugs. Patch courtesy Khaleh.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_shell.arc (+1)
anmaster 2010-10-11 13:15 Rev.: 13991

Fix incorrect svn properties, for example .png should not have svn:keywords set, that could in worst case result in corruption. While we are updating properties anyway, clean up incorrect (but mostly harmless) svn:mime-type, svn:executable and so on.

0 lines of code changed in 92 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (changed), asteroid.base.111.png (changed), asteroid.base.112.png (changed), asteroid.base.121.png (changed), asteroid.base.131.png (changed), asteroid.base.141.png (changed), asteroid.base.151.png (changed), asteroid.base.161.png (changed), asteroid.base.171.png (changed), asteroid.base.181.png (changed), bullet.arc (changed), bullet.base.111.png (changed), bullet.base.112.png (changed), bullet.base.121.png (changed), bullet.base.131.png (changed), bullet.base.141.png (changed), bullet.base.151.png (changed), bullet.base.161.png (changed), bullet.base.171.png (changed), bullet.base.181.png (changed), bullet_mnia.arc (changed), cause.base.111.png (changed), cause.base.112.png (changed), cause_wounds.arc (changed), holy_effect.arc (changed), holy_orb.arc (changed), holy_orb.base.111.png (changed), lbullet.arc (changed), lbullet.base.111.png (changed), lbullet.base.121.png (changed), lbullet.base.131.png (changed), lbullet.base.141.png (changed), lbullet.base.151.png (changed), lbullet.base.161.png (changed), lbullet.base.171.png (changed), lbullet.base.181.png (changed), loose_magic.arc (changed), manaball.arc (changed), manabullet.arc (changed), meteor.arc (changed), meteor.base.111.png (changed), poisonbullet.arc (changed), poisonbullet.base.111.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.121.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.131.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.141.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.151.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.161.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.171.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.181.png (changed), poisoncloud.arc (changed), poisoncloud.base.111.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.112.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.113.png (changed), snowball.arc (changed), snowball.base.111.png (changed), snowball.base.121.png (changed), snowball.base.131.png (changed), snowball.base.141.png (changed), snowball.base.151.png (changed), snowball.base.161.png (changed), snowball.base.171.png (changed), snowball.base.181.png (changed), snowstorm.arc (changed), spell_asteroid.arc (changed), spell_bullet.arc (changed), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (changed), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (changed), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (changed), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (changed), spell_comet.arc (changed), spell_hellfire.arc (changed), spell_holy_orb.arc (changed), spell_large_fireball.arc (changed), spell_large_manaball.arc (changed), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (changed), spell_lg_bullet.arc (changed), spell_medium_fireball.arc (changed), spell_medium_manaball.arc (changed), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (changed), spell_poison_cloud.arc (changed), spell_shell.arc (changed), spell_sm_bullet.arc (changed), spell_small_fireball.arc (changed), spell_small_manaball.arc (changed), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (changed), spell_vitriol.arc (changed), v_pool.base.111.png (changed), v_pool.base.112.png (changed), v_splash.base.111.png (changed), v_splash.base.112.png (changed), vitriol.arc (changed)
Alestan 2010-08-19 17:26 Rev.: 13656

added weight to several spells so they will throw stuff on the floor.

3 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: snowball.arc (+1), snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (+1)
ryo_saeba 2010-08-14 02:13 Rev.: 13587

Merge lines.

22 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_asteroid.arc (+1 -2), spell_bullet.arc (+1 -2), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (+1 -3), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (+1 -2), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (+1 -2), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (+1 -2), spell_comet.arc (+1 -3), spell_hellfire.arc (+1 -5), spell_holy_orb.arc (+1 -5), spell_large_fireball.arc (+1 -4), spell_large_manaball.arc (+1 -4), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (+1 -5), spell_lg_bullet.arc (+1 -2), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+1 -4), spell_medium_manaball.arc (+1 -4), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (+1 -5), spell_poison_cloud.arc (+1 -4), spell_sm_bullet.arc (+1 -2), spell_small_fireball.arc (+1 -4), spell_small_manaball.arc (+1 -4), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (+1 -5), spell_vitriol.arc (+1 -4)
meflin2 2009-08-01 15:43 Rev.: 12127

initial spell re-level change

17 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_asteroid.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (+1 -1), spell_comet.arc (+1 -1), spell_hellfire.arc (+1 -1), spell_holy_orb.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_manaball.arc (+1 -1), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (+1 -1), spell_lg_bullet.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_manaball.arc (+1 -1), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (+1 -1), spell_poison_cloud.arc (+1 -1), spell_small_manaball.arc (+1 -1), spell_vitriol.arc (+1 -1)
kbulgrien 2009-07-28 05:51 Rev.: 12124

- Add msg/endmsg descriptions to various spells including those that start
with the letters N-P and update Conflict. Fix Slow (prior commit did not
include msg/endmsg tags around the message).

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_poison_cloud.arc (+6)
kbulgrien 2009-07-25 22:21 Rev.: 12113

Add msg/endmsg descriptions to various spells including those that start with
the letters L-M and S-Z. This provides more descriptions for display in the
client spell window.

70 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_bullet.arc (+4), spell_comet.arc (+3 -4), spell_large_fireball.arc (+4 -3), spell_large_manaball.arc (+4 -6), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (+5 -4), spell_lg_bullet.arc (+4), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+6), spell_medium_manaball.arc (+4 -6), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (+7), spell_sm_bullet.arc (+4), spell_small_fireball.arc (+6), spell_small_manaball.arc (+6), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (+7), spell_vitriol.arc (+6)
kbulgrien 2009-07-24 21:34 Rev.: 12108

- Add msg/endmsg texts to spells and prayers that have names that start with
the letters G through K. Show Invisible, Bless, and Large icestorm also
worked on.

12 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_hellfire.arc (+5 -8), spell_holy_orb.arc (+7)
kbulgrien 2009-07-24 00:56 Rev.: 12101

Add msg/endmsg descriptions to asteroid and other spells with names that begin
with D through F.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_asteroid.arc (+2 -1)
kbulgrien 2009-07-21 22:00 Rev.: 12099

Add msg/endmsg descriptions to spells with names that begin with C and the
antimagic rune skipped previously. This allows the descriptions to be displayed in the GTK-V2 client spell window.

20 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (+5), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (+4), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (+4), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (+4), spell_comet.arc (+3 -3)
akirschbaum 2009-02-01 14:23 Rev.: 11312

Add explicit animations; extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

270 lines of code changed in 31 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (+1 -12), asteroid.face (new 38), bullet.arc (+1 -12), bullet.face (new 38), bullet_mania.face (new 10), bullet_mnia.arc (+1 -10), cause_wounds.arc (+1 -5), cause_wounds.face (new 5), holy_effect.arc (+1 -5), holy_effect.face (new 5), holy_orb.arc (-1), holy_orb.face (new 3), lbullet.arc (+1 -12), lbullet.face (new 35), loose_magic.arc (+1 -7), loose_magic.face (new 6), manaball.arc (+1 -7), manaball.face (new 6), manabullet.arc (+1 -12), manabullet.face (new 11), meteor.arc (+1 -13), meteor.face (new 14), poisonbullet.arc (+1 -12), poisonbullet.face (new 35), poisoncloud.arc (+1 -6), poisoncloud.face (+11), snowball.arc (+1 -12), snowball.face (new 35), snowstorm.arc (-1), vitriol.arc (+1 -4), vitriol_splash.face (new 4)
akirschbaum 2009-01-31 19:44 Rev.: 11299

Add explicit animations; extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: poisoncloud.face (new 5)
anmaster 2009-01-24 23:38 Rev.: 11260

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth needed for sending images to clients.Í„

0 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: bullet.base.121.png (changed), bullet.base.141.png (changed), bullet.base.161.png (changed), bullet.base.181.png (changed), lbullet.base.111.png (changed), lbullet.base.121.png (changed), lbullet.base.141.png (changed), lbullet.base.151.png (changed), lbullet.base.161.png (changed), lbullet.base.181.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.131.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.111.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.112.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.113.png (changed)
akirschbaum 2008-11-23 12:32 Rev.: 10689

Add explicit animations.

11 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: snowstorm.arc (+1 -5), snowstorm.face (new 5), vitriol.arc (+1 -4), vitriol_pool.face (new 4)
ryo_saeba 2008-11-10 06:38 Rev.: 10379

Remove obsolete color_fg.

8 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: bullet.arc (+1 -1), lbullet.arc (+1 -1), loose_magic.arc (+1 -1), manabullet.arc (+1 -1), meteor.arc (+1 -1), poisoncloud.arc (+1 -1), snowball.arc (+1 -1), snowstorm.arc (+1 -1)
akirschbaum 2008-01-11 21:22 Rev.: 8170

Use better compression to reduce image sizes.

0 lines of code changed in 95 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.base.111.png (changed), asteroid.base.112.png (changed), asteroid.base.121.png (changed), asteroid.base.131.png (changed), asteroid.base.141.png (changed), asteroid.base.151.png (changed), asteroid.base.161.png (changed), asteroid.base.171.png (changed), asteroid.base.181.png (changed), bullet.base.111.png (new), bullet.base.112.png (new), bullet.base.121.png (changed), bullet.base.131.png (new), bullet.base.141.png (new), bullet.base.151.png (changed), bullet.base.161.png (changed), bullet.base.171.png (new), bullet.base.181.png (changed), cause.base.111.png (changed), cause.base.112.png (changed), holy_orb.base.111.png (changed), lbullet.base.111.png (changed), lbullet.base.121.png (changed), lbullet.base.131.png (new), lbullet.base.141.png (new), lbullet.base.151.png (new), lbullet.base.161.png (new), lbullet.base.171.png (changed), lbullet.base.181.png (changed), meteor.base.111.png (new), poisonbullet.base.111.png (new), poisonbullet.base.121.png (new), poisonbullet.base.131.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.141.png (new), poisonbullet.base.151.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.161.png (changed), poisonbullet.base.171.png (new), poisonbullet.base.181.png (new), poisoncloud.base.111.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.112.png (changed), poisoncloud.base.113.png (changed), snowball.base.111.png (changed), snowball.base.121.png (new), snowball.base.131.png (changed), snowball.base.141.png (changed), snowball.base.151.png (new), snowball.base.161.png (new), snowball.base.171.png (changed), snowball.base.181.png (new), v_pool.base.111.png (new), v_pool.base.112.png (new), v_splash.base.111.png (changed), v_splash.base.112.png (changed)
qal21 2007-11-29 03:51 Rev.: 7583

Add anim_suffix spellcasting to all spells.

23 lines of code changed in 23 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: spell_asteroid.arc (+1), spell_bullet.arc (+1), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (+1), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (+1), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (+1), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (+1), spell_comet.arc (+1), spell_hellfire.arc (+1), spell_holy_orb.arc (+1), spell_large_fireball.arc (+1), spell_large_manaball.arc (+1), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_lg_bullet.arc (+1), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+1), spell_medium_manaball.arc (+1), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_poison_cloud.arc (+1), spell_shell.arc (+1), spell_sm_bullet.arc (+1), spell_small_fireball.arc (+1), spell_small_manaball.arc (+1), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_vitriol.arc (+1)
akirschbaum 2007-08-23 17:19 Rev.: 6983

Replace obsolete fields fly_on/fly_off/walk_on/walk_off with move_on/move_off.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: vitriol.arc (+1 -1)
ryo_saeba 2007-07-17 15:46 Rev.: 6794

Remove obsolete color_bg field.

0 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: loose_magic.arc (-1), manabullet.arc (-1), snowball.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2007-06-13 14:54 Rev.: 6567

Remove obsolete field.

0 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (-1), bullet.arc (-1), bullet_mnia.arc (-1), cause_wounds.arc (-1), holy_effect.arc (-1), holy_orb.arc (-1), lbullet.arc (-1), loose_magic.arc (-1), manaball.arc (-1), manabullet.arc (-1), meteor.arc (-2), poisonbullet.arc (-1), poisoncloud.arc (-1), snowball.arc (-1), snowstorm.arc (-1), vitriol.arc (-3)
ryo_saeba 2007-05-20 14:58 Rev.: 6321

Remove obsolete fields.

12 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (+1 -2), bullet.arc (+1 -2), bullet_mnia.arc (+1 -2), cause_wounds.arc (+1 -2), holy_orb.arc (+1 -2), lbullet.arc (+1 -2), manabullet.arc (+1 -2), meteor.arc (+1 -2), poisonbullet.arc (+1 -2), snowball.arc (+1 -2), vitriol.arc (+2 -4)
akirschbaum 2007-05-10 15:26 Rev.: 6231

Fix spelling errors.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: loose_magic.arc (+1 -1)
akirschbaum 2007-03-25 05:51 Rev.: 5874

Convert obsolete 'flying' attribute to 'move_type' attributes.

17 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (+1 -1), bullet.arc (+1 -1), bullet_mnia.arc (+1 -1), cause_wounds.arc (+1 -1), holy_effect.arc (+1 -1), holy_orb.arc (+1 -1), lbullet.arc (+1 -1), loose_magic.arc (+1 -1), manaball.arc (+1 -1), manabullet.arc (+1 -1), meteor.arc (+1 -1), poisonbullet.arc (+1 -1), poisoncloud.arc (+1 -1), snowball.arc (+1 -1), snowstorm.arc (+1 -1), vitriol.arc (+2 -2)
akirschbaum 2007-03-24 07:25 Rev.: 5861

Remove trailing whitespace.

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (+1 -1), meteor.arc (+1 -1)
qal21 2006-12-16 19:59 Rev.: 5178

Set svn:eol-style to LF for all arch files.

39 lines of code changed in 39 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (+1), bullet.arc (+1), bullet_mnia.arc (+1), cause_wounds.arc (+1), holy_effect.arc (+1), holy_orb.arc (+1), lbullet.arc (+1), loose_magic.arc (+1), manaball.arc (+1), manabullet.arc (+1), meteor.arc (+1), poisonbullet.arc (+1), poisoncloud.arc (+1), snowball.arc (+1), snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_asteroid.arc (+1), spell_bullet.arc (+1), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (+1), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (+1), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (+1), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (+1), spell_comet.arc (+1), spell_hellfire.arc (+1), spell_holy_orb.arc (+1), spell_large_fireball.arc (+1), spell_large_manaball.arc (+1), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_lg_bullet.arc (+1), spell_medium_fireball.arc (+1), spell_medium_manaball.arc (+1), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_poison_cloud.arc (+1), spell_shell.arc (+1), spell_sm_bullet.arc (+1), spell_small_fireball.arc (+1), spell_small_manaball.arc (+1), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (+1), spell_vitriol.arc (+1), vitriol.arc (+1)
qal21 2006-12-12 23:24 Rev.: 5175

propdel svn:eol-style on all arch files. Fixes broken win32 checkouts of arches.

0 lines of code changed in 78 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.arc (new), bullet.arc (new), bullet_mnia.arc (new), cause_wounds.arc (new), holy_effect.arc (-1), holy_orb.arc (new), lbullet.arc (new), loose_magic.arc (-1), manaball.arc (-1), manabullet.arc (new), meteor.arc (-1), poisonbullet.arc (-1), poisoncloud.arc (new), snowball.arc (-1), snowstorm.arc (-1), spell_asteroid.arc (-1), spell_bullet.arc (new), spell_cause_crit_wounds.arc (new), spell_cause_heavy_wounds.arc (-1), spell_cause_light_wounds.arc (new), spell_cause_med_wounds.arc (new), spell_comet.arc (-1), spell_hellfire.arc (-1), spell_holy_orb.arc (new), spell_large_fireball.arc (-1), spell_large_manaball.arc (-1), spell_large_snowstorm.arc (new), spell_lg_bullet.arc (new), spell_medium_fireball.arc (-1), spell_medium_manaball.arc (-1), spell_medium_snowstorm.arc (new), spell_poison_cloud.arc (new), spell_shell.arc (-1), spell_sm_bullet.arc (-1), spell_small_fireball.arc (new), spell_small_manaball.arc (new), spell_small_snowstorm.arc (-1), spell_vitriol.arc (-1), vitriol.arc (-1)
mwedel 2006-09-25 00:17 Rev.: 4975

Ok - now try committing proper (binary) images.
MSW 2006-09-24

0 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.base.111.png (changed), asteroid.base.112.png (changed), asteroid.base.121.png (changed), asteroid.base.131.png (changed), asteroid.base.141.png (changed), asteroid.base.151.png (changed), asteroid.base.161.png (changed), asteroid.base.171.png (changed), asteroid.base.181.png (changed), cause.base.111.png (changed), cause.base.112.png (changed)
mwedel 2006-09-25 00:10 Rev.: 4974

Try this again - update svn:mime-type and remove svn:eol-style.
MSW 2006-09-24

11 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.base.111.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.112.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.121.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.131.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.141.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.151.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.161.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.171.png (+1 -2), asteroid.base.181.png (+1 -2), cause.base.111.png (+1 -2), cause.base.112.png (+1 -2)
mwedel 2006-09-24 23:44 Rev.: 4973

change mime types of images.
MSW 2006-09-24

11 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.base.111.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.112.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.121.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.131.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.141.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.151.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.161.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.171.png (+1 -1), asteroid.base.181.png (+1 -1), cause.base.111.png (+1 -1), cause.base.112.png (+1 -1)
mwedel 2006-09-24 23:14 Rev.: 4972

Change svn:mime-types for images to binary, commit proper images.
MSW 2006-09-24

0 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • arch/trunk/spell/Bullet: asteroid.base.111.png (changed), asteroid.base.112.png (changed), asteroid.base.121.png (new), asteroid.base.131.png (changed), asteroid.base.141.png (new), asteroid.base.151.png (new), asteroid.base.161.png (changed), asteroid.base.171.png (new), asteroid.base.181.png (changed), cause.base.111.png (changed), cause.base.112.png (changed)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0