Developers: jec

Login name:
Total Commits:
278 (0.1%)
Lines of Code:
4,062 (0.0%)
Most Recent Commit:
2000-11-06 18:06

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for jec

Activity by Day of Week for jec

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 278 (100.0%) 4062 (100.0%) 14.6
trunk/crossfire/server/ 91 (32.7%) 2511 (61.8%) 27.5
trunk/crossfire/ 27 (9.7%) 654 (16.1%) 24.2
trunk/crossfire/common/ 17 (6.1%) 401 (9.9%) 23.5
trunk/arch/ 7 (2.5%) 95 (2.3%) 13.5
trunk/crossfire/lib/ 4 (1.4%) 86 (2.1%) 21.5
trunk/crossfire/include/ 13 (4.7%) 61 (1.5%) 4.6
trunk/arch/connect/ 4 (1.4%) 25 (0.6%) 6.2
trunk/arch/potion/ 19 (6.8%) 19 (0.5%) 1.0
trunk/arch/magic/Effect/ 6 (2.2%) 18 (0.4%) 3.0
trunk/crossfire/random_maps/ 7 (2.5%) 17 (0.4%) 2.4
trunk/arch/magic/ 7 (2.5%) 16 (0.4%) 2.2
trunk/arch/door/Door/ 1 (0.4%) 16 (0.4%) 16.0
trunk/arch/ground/ 6 (2.2%) 14 (0.3%) 2.3
trunk/arch/wall/lightningwall/ 1 (0.4%) 10 (0.2%) 10.0
trunk/arch/wall/lbulletwall/ 1 (0.4%) 9 (0.2%) 9.0
trunk/arch/wall/firewall/ 2 (0.7%) 9 (0.2%) 4.5
trunk/arch/wall/bulletwall/ 1 (0.4%) 9 (0.2%) 9.0
trunk/arch/misc/ 1 (0.4%) 9 (0.2%) 9.0
trunk/crossfire/socket/ 4 (1.4%) 7 (0.2%) 1.7
trunk/crossfire/doc/ 1 (0.4%) 6 (0.1%) 6.0
trunk/arch/monster/undead/ 5 (1.8%) 5 (0.1%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/insect/ 5 (1.8%) 5 (0.1%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/goblin/ 5 (1.8%) 5 (0.1%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/animal/ 5 (1.8%) 5 (0.1%) 1.0
trunk/arch/wall/bwall/ 3 (1.1%) 4 (0.1%) 1.3
trunk/arch/spell/ 4 (1.4%) 4 (0.1%) 1.0
trunk/arch/door/ 4 (1.4%) 4 (0.1%) 1.0
trunk/arch/magic/Mana/ 1 (0.4%) 3 (0.1%) 3.0
trunk/arch/magic/Fire/ 1 (0.4%) 3 (0.1%) 3.0
trunk/arch/magic/Cold/ 1 (0.4%) 3 (0.1%) 3.0
trunk/arch/dev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote/ 1 (0.4%) 3 (0.1%) 3.0
trunk/arch/wall/wwall/ 1 (0.4%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
trunk/arch/wall/cwall/ 1 (0.4%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
trunk/arch/wall/awall/ 1 (0.4%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
trunk/arch/monster/misc/ 2 (0.7%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/human/arabic/ 2 (0.7%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/human/ 2 (0.7%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/armour/helmet/ 1 (0.4%) 2 (0.0%) 2.0
trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/wall/speedbwall/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/skills/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/misc/serpmen/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/human/Town/postman/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/human/Town/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/demon/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/beholder/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/animal/farmyard/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/monster/acid/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/inorganic/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/armour/mail/ 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
trunk/arch/dev/unused/0.91.1/ 1 (0.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of jec

Most Recent Commits

jec 2000-11-06 18:06 Rev.: 473

* stop_item() / attack fix patch 2000-11-06

936 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+136)
  • trunk/crossfire/common: object.c (+73 -68)
  • trunk/crossfire/include: sproto.h (+5 -5)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+52 -42), attack.c (+320 -127), c_object.c (+74 -41), player.c (-1), rune.c (+16 -3), skills.c (-1), spell_effect.c (+3 -8), spell_util.c (+112 -119), time.c (+145 -86)
  • trunk/crossfire/socket: item.c (-2)
jec 2000-10-30 17:09 Rev.: 451

include/sproto.h: Removed prototype of obsolete make_gravestone()
server/apply.c: Put back gravestone_text() function that was removed
accidently a while ago, needed by NOT_PERMADEATH.
server/player.c: Don't use the dead player as the originator of object
movements. Fixed string handling for NOT_PERMADEATH.

51 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+9)
  • trunk/crossfire/include: sproto.h (-1)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+34), player.c (+8 -4)
jec 2000-06-23 04:55 Rev.: 352

server/player.c: check_pick(): Rewrite of this function to consistently
skip items that can't be picked up, and to only use a single loop over all
items on the map square.

57 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+4)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: player.c (+53 -58)
jec 2000-06-21 04:34 Rev.: 348

server/commands.c; server/c_object.c: dump_object_from_tag(): Removed
broken command. Fixes server crashes very easily triggered by players.

server/attack.c: deathstrike_player(): Check for def_lev == 0 very early
(and print error message if we find such an invalid level). Should fix
server crash in case archetypes or maps get broken again in that an
alive object has level < 1.

16 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+9)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: attack.c (+7 -3), c_object.c (-28), commands.c (-1)
jec 2000-06-19 07:23 Rev.: 338

common/living.c: fix_player(): Bugfix: Don't reset FLAG_FLYING,
has these flags.

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+5 -1)
  • trunk/crossfire/common: living.c (+9 -5)
jec 2000-06-18 17:35 Rev.: 332

server/input.c: command_cast_spell(): Bugfix: Call check_skill_to_fire()
even for wizards because this function has the important side effect
of setting the current skill and experience objects.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+5)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: input.c (+1 -1)
jec 2000-06-18 15:09 Rev.: 331

server/apply.c: apply_treasure(): Bugfix: We need to trigger runes as
they are found in the treasure chest, because move_rune() will no longer
trigger them for us.

20 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+4)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+16 -7)
jec 2000-06-13 15:55 Rev.: 316

server/apply.c: apply_treasure(): Bugfix: Set FLAG_NO_APPLY before
moving object to the top.

5 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+3)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+2)
jec 2000-06-13 11:58 Rev.: 315

server/time.c: move_marker(): Bugfix: Call update_ob_speed() after
changing force->speed.

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+3)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: time.c (+1)
jec 2000-06-13 08:30 Rev.: 314

server/spell_util.c: move_swarm_spell(): Improved distribution of
fired objects. Fixed starting position of fired objects to be able to
hit targets immediately in front the caster. - Patch by Jeffrey Hantin.

38 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+5)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: spell_util.c (+33 -11)
jec 2000-06-09 07:01 Rev.: 311

common/loader.l: Fix handling of objects with no animation. Fixes server
crash if object's archetype has an animation, but object doesn't.

common/loader.l: get_ob_diff(): Bugfix: Issue a "is_animated 0" line
if the object has an animation, but doesn't have FLAG_ANIMATE.

server/apply.c: manual_apply() and monster_apply_special(): Don't check
for FLAG_UNPAID if object is applied. This should make the code more
robust if an unpaid item get's applied accidently.

server/apply.c: apply_special(): New optional flags AP_NO_MERGE and

server/monster.c: find_mon_throw_ob(); server/skills.c: find_throw_ob():
Bugfix: Use AP_NO_MERGE flag to prevent unapplied object be merged with
other objects.

server/spell_effect.c: animate_weapon: Bugfixes: Correctly unapply
weapon. Don't set FLAG_APPLIED directly on weapon in golem, but use
apply_special(). Don't call esrv_send_item() when caster is not a player
(fixes server crash if monster casts this spell).

114 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+26)
  • trunk/crossfire/common: loader.l (+17 -4)
  • trunk/crossfire/include: define.h (+13 -2)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+29 -17), c_object.c (+5 -15), monster.c (+1 -1), skills.c (+1 -5), spell_effect.c (+22 -40)
jec 2000-06-08 11:08 Rev.: 306

common/button.c: do_mood_floor(): Bugfixes: Only players can have pets.
Call add_friendly_object() for friendly monsters.

server/spell_effect.c and server/spell_util.c: Several functions: Only
add a pet if there really is a pet's owner, and it's a player.

server/spell_effect.c: cast_charm() and cast_charm_undead(): Bugfixes:
Only players can cast these spells. This fixes server crash if
a monster casted a charm spell, and the charmed pet was killed.
Call add_friendly_object for friendly monsters.

common/friend.c: remove_friendly_object(): Use llevError for error

common/living.c: fix_player(); server/gods.c: tailor_god_spell();
server/spell_effect.c: summon_avatar() and animate_weapon(): Bugfix: Set
a string to NULL after calling free_string(). This fixes a nasty bug
that caused the string's reference count drop below 0, which resulted
in corruption of malloc()'s internal data structures (and possibly
server crashes).

server/time.c: move_creator(): Bugfix: Call free_string() to free old
values of op->name and op->title before overwriting them with new values.

common/object.c: insert_ob_in_map_simple() and insert_ob_in_map():
Check that we don't insert freed objects.

server/attack.c: hit_player_attacktype() and hit_player(): Bugfix: Check
that find_god() really found a god, and that 'god->slaying' is not NULL.
Fixes crash if a monster casted turn undead and actually hit something.

server/attack.c: hit_player(): Check that a pet's owner is a player.
Prevents server crashes if a monster has a pet monster due to a bug
somewhere. Use llevError for error message.

server/time.c: move_arrow(): Use llevDebug level for "Arrow had no
map" message.

server/c_object.c, server/spell_effect.c, server/spell_util.c: Bugfixes:
Added some missing checks for destroyed objects. Use was_destroyed()
or return value of insert_ob_in_map() to check for destroyed objects,
not FLAG_FREED or FLAG_REMOVED. Don't use op->count of destroyed objects.

server/shop.c: get_payment2(): Type of tag is 'tag_t', not 'long'.

server/spell_effect.c: animate_bomb(): Fix environment checks.

server/spell_util.c: fire_bolt(): Bugfix: Set level of bolt.

server/spell_util.c: explosion(): Bugfix: Set FLAG_NO_APPLY before
moving the exploding object to the top.

server/spell_util.c: put_a_monster(): First create the monster
completely, then just insert its head.

server/time.c: generate_monster(): Bugfix: Don't free generators that
are used up in this function. process_object() already does this.
This fixes steambolt (which is a generator but must not used up here -
generate_monster() wasn't looking at FLAG_IS_USED_UP) and all generators
which should really be used up (because process_object() didn't expect
generate_monster() to destroy the object).

222 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+71)
  • trunk/crossfire/common: button.c (+4 -1), friend.c (+1 -1), living.c (+8 -2), object.c (+8)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: attack.c (+17 -8), c_object.c (+12 -7), gods.c (+4 -1), shop.c (+1 -1), spell_effect.c (+63 -56), spell_util.c (+30 -23), time.c (+3 -5)
jec 2000-06-07 18:46 Rev.: 304

server/rune.c: trap_disarm(): Bugfix: Use SK_level() to determine
disarmer's level. Fixes server crash if multisquare monster casts

server/attack.c: hit_map(): Use was_destroyed() to properly check for
destroyed next object. Use llevError for error messages. Skip all
objects that are (no longer) at the specified map position.

55 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+9)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: attack.c (+41 -22), rune.c (+5 -3)
jec 2000-05-29 11:31 Rev.: 282

lib/ Check for archetypes with type FIRECHEST but no level.
- Jan Echternach 5/29/2000

server/apply.c: move_apply(): Added handling of THROWN_OBJ, CANCELLATION
server/spell_effect.c: cancellation(): Traverse inventory of objects
with type THROWN_OBJ.
- Jan Echternach 5/29/2000

server/player.c: fire_bow() and server_skills.c: do_throw(): Bugfix: Don't
use op->count of freed objects. Use was_destroyed() to check for freed
objects instead of QUERY_FLAG (FLAG_FREED). - Jan Echternach 5/29/2000

server/spell_util.c: fire_a_ball(): Bugfixes: Use op->other_arch as
the archetype to fire, not FBULLET. (-> Firechests now cast fire balls
again, not snowballs.) Set level of fired archetype. Check if object
was destroyed after insert_ob_in_map(). - Jan Echternach 5/29/2000

server/time.c: move_firewall() and move_firechest(): Do nothing if
object has no map. Fixes server crashes if a dm creates such a thing
in the inventory. - Jan Echternach 5/29/2000

66 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+22)
  • trunk/crossfire/lib: (+4)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+10 -1), player.c (+4 -2), skills.c (+4 -2), spell_effect.c (+3 -1), spell_util.c (+15 -6), time.c (+4)
jec 2000-05-26 07:36 Rev.: 274

* server/attack.c: hit_map(), hit_player(); server/spell_effect.c:
move_cone(); server/rune.c: spring_trap(); server/spell_util.c:
move_missile(): Bugfix: Added missing was_destroyed() calls.
* server/rune.c: spring_trap(): Bugfix: Call trap_show() before the rune
has a chance to be destroyed.
* server/attack.c: hit_map(), hit_player(): Check for freed objects
right at the beginning of the function. Removed check that hitter has
a name from hit_player().
* server/spell_util.c: move_cone(): Bugfix: Remove cone objects in
inventories from active list, this fixes the cone without map problem when
a flower was hit with ice and put into an icecube.
* server/spell_util.c: move_missile(): Bugfix: Don't call hit_map() while
missile is removed from the map.
* server/apply.c: manual_apply(): Handle MMISSILE.

101 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+16)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: apply.c (+11), attack.c (+21 -7), rune.c (+22 -8), spell_util.c (+31 -8)
jec 2000-05-26 06:05 Rev.: 273

* server/spell_effect.c: animate_weapon() and server/spell_util.c:
summon_monster(): Bugfix: Set FLAG_FRIENDLY for friendly objects.

6 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+4)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: spell_effect.c (+1), spell_util.c (+1)
jec 2000-05-26 05:14 Rev.: 272

* server/attack.c: hit_player(): Bugfix: remove_friendly_object()
was called always after an object with type GOLEM had been killed,
but friendly objects are objects with FLAG_FRIENDLY, not objects with
type GOLEM. This fixes some "Remove_friendly_object(): Can't find
object" errors.

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+6)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: attack.c (+1 -1)
jec 2000-05-26 04:50 Rev.: 271

* apply() cleanup patch 26/5/2000

1386 lines of code changed in 45 files:

  • trunk/crossfire/common: button.c (+126 -74), glue.c (+5 -6), living.c (+1 -1), object.c (+74 -35), treasure.c (+2 -2)
  • trunk/crossfire/doc: crossfire.doc (+6)
  • trunk/crossfire/include: define.h (+9 -2), funcpoint.h (+3 -2), libproto.h (+9 -8), object.h (+4 -2), sproto.h (+11 -9)
  • trunk/crossfire/lib: (+25 -1)
  • trunk/crossfire/random_maps: decor.c (+1 -1), door.c (+1 -1), exit.c (+4 -4), monster.c (+1 -1), special.c (+2 -2), standalone.c (+4 -6), treasure.c (+4 -4)
  • trunk/crossfire/server: alchemy.c (+1 -1), apply.c (+799 -798), attack.c (+6 -6), c_object.c (+5 -30), c_wiz.c (+2 -2), disease.c (+1 -1), egoitem.c (+2 -1), encounter.c (+2 -2), gods.c (+1 -1), init.c (+1 -1), input.c (+3 -6), login.c (+6 -5), main.c (+5 -1), monster.c (+23 -16), move.c (+39 -19), pets.c (+5 -5), player.c (+13 -17), resurrection.c (+1 -1), rune.c (+3 -8), skill_util.c (+42 -84), skills.c (+25 -12), spell_effect.c (+35 -38), spell_util.c (+34 -31), swamp.c (+19 -8), time.c (+17 -16)
  • trunk/crossfire/socket: item.c (+4 -2)
jec 2000-05-26 04:46 Rev.: 270

--- BEGIN apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000

Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 88 (CONE) that can do damage.

ground/chaos.arc, arch chaos and arch major_chaos
ground/lava.arc, arch lava and arch permanent_lava
Added walk_on 1.

ground/chaos_ball.arc, arch chaos_ball
magic/banishment.arc, arch banishment
magic/colorspray.arc, arch color_spray
magic/counterspell.arc, arch counterspell
magic/face_of_death.arc, arch face_of_death
magic/shockwave.arc, arch shockwave
dev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote/flyingnote.arc, arch flyingnote
magic/Cold/icestorm.arc, arch icestorm
magic/Fire/firebreath.arc, arch firebreath
magic/Effect/confuse.arc, arch confuse
magic/Effect/fear.arc, arch fear
magic/Effect/holy_word.arc, arch holy_word
magic/Effect/paralyze.arc, arch paralyze
magic/Effect/slow.arc, arch slow
magic/Effect/turnundead.arc, arch turn_undead
magic/Mana/manablast.arc, arch manablast
Added walk_on 1 and fly_on 1.

Changes to support bug fixes for trigger types: Replace speed with exp.
Set is_animated 0. Remove last face from animation sequence.

Bugfix: Faces where swapped.

connect/trig_button.arc, arch button_trigger
New archetype.

--- END apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000

125 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • trunk/arch: CHANGES (+41)
  • trunk/arch/connect: trig_altar.arc (+3 -3), trig_button.arc (new 18), trig_lever.arc (+2 -2), trig_pedes.arc (+2 -2)
  • trunk/arch/dev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote: flyingnote.arc (+3)
  • trunk/arch/ground: chaos.arc (+4), chaos_ball.arc (+3), lava.arc (+4), thorns.arc (+1)
  • trunk/arch/inorganic: dust_effect.arc (+1)
  • trunk/arch/magic: banishment.arc (+3), colorspray.arc (+3), counterspell.arc (+3), face_of_death.arc (+3), flowers.arc (+1), shockwave.arc (+3)
  • trunk/arch/magic/Cold: icestorm.arc (+3)
  • trunk/arch/magic/Effect: confuse.arc (+3), fear.arc (+3), holy_word.arc (+3), paralyze.arc (+3), slow.arc (+3), turnundead.arc (+3)
  • trunk/arch/magic/Fire: firebreath.arc (+3)
  • trunk/arch/magic/Mana: manablast.arc (+3)
jec 2000-05-26 04:40 Rev.: 269

* apply() cleanup patch 26/5/2000

195 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/crossfire: CHANGES (+195)

(11 more)

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