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- CF: Alchemy and costs of generated items,
Raphaël Quinet
- CF: X implementation & portability,
Benoit Callebaut
- CF: patch for dump_alchemy_costs(),
Raphaël Quinet
- CF: Acid blobs and Hanuk,
Christian Stieber
- CF: Old jessy bug,
Christian Stieber
- CF: Wizard bug,
Christian Stieber
- CF: Wizard bug seems to be face of death bug,
Christian Stieber
- CF: CrossFire GIF images for WWW pages,
Raphaël Quinet
- CF: goths tavern bug,
Christian Stieber
- CF: client key binding,
Benoit Callebaut
- CF: Where is non-standard maps?,
Yuri A. Pudgorodsky
- CF: Polymorph bug,
Christian Stieber
- CF: Gods & attacktypes,
Stefan Reich
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