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Re: CF: more updates soon, comments/votes requested

> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:43:02 -0500
> From: Steven Lembark <>
> what if player-to-player drain is less than 1:1.  i.e., if i drain
> X points from you i get only X/2 or X*(your level/(your level + my level))
> so that it quickly becomes less profitable to regain points from 
> other players than to just kill monsters.

_All_ drain is less than 1:1.  And each subsequent attack always
drains less.  The vistim loses 2% of their experience per hit,
regardless of the relative levels, the "damage" of the hit, or how
"well" the hit was made, unless they're protected from drain, in which
case the amount is a fixed 1% instead of 2%.  The attacker gains
exactly half of that.

Attaxking each other with draining weapons and using potions to
restore the drained experience, even with no additional changes, would
be a slow process.  Unless the attacking player is of significantly
lower level than the drained player, there's no doubt that killing
monsters would be a faster way to gain experience, but that's not the
point.  The point is that players should not be able to gain any
experience this way at all.  The whole point of experience recovery
potions is to return to where you were before some monster drained
you, but not beyond that.  The combination of drain weapons and drain
recovery potions is a loophole that allows experience gain with little
or no risk, limited only by the number of potions available.

I think the best solution is to make some portion of the drained
experience unrecoverable, based on the amount of "damage" done.  This
will lessen the threat reduction of undead (specifically grim reapers)
and make player vs. player drain permanently reduce experience so that
at best it could be used to "convert" other experience categories to
physical experience.

            -Dave Noelle,                 
            -the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email  ==

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