Author Statistics

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Author of the Month

April 1999uid200100.0
May 1999cvs94.3
June 1999cvs99.5
July 1999cvs100.0
August 1999cvs79.6
September 1999damn100.0
November 1999cater81.8
February 2000cvs100.0
March 2000cvs100.0
April 2000cvs87.6
May 2000cvs79.2
June 2000cvs63.6
July 2000cvs76.6
August 2000cvs100.0
September 2000peterm74.6
October 2000peterm99.8
November 2000avogl87.7
December 2000avogl71.8
January 2001avogl96.1
February 2001peterm79.3

Lines Of Code (per Author)

Lines Of Code (per author)


AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
mwedel2767 (31.0%) 106460 (23.9%) 629218 (37.3%) 38.47
akirschbaum904 (10.1%) 19779 (4.4%) 55451 (3.3%) 21.88
cvs826 (9.3%) 13378 (3.0%) 78667 (4.7%) 16.20
ryo_saeba822 (9.2%) 11212 (2.5%) 67162 (4.0%) 13.64
garbled576 (6.5%) 15101 (3.4%) 67282 (4.0%) 26.22
uid200433 (4.8%) 213652 (48.0%) 213669 (12.7%) 493.42
avogl362 (4.1%) 6324 (1.4%) 212389 (12.6%) 17.47
michtoen344 (3.9%) 3694 (0.8%) 10687 (0.6%) 10.74
tchize332 (3.7%) 22107 (5.0%) 155916 (9.2%) 66.59
peterm305 (3.4%) 6151 (1.4%) 61136 (3.6%) 20.17
gros218 (2.4%) 12183 (2.7%) 22664 (1.3%) 55.89
jec164 (1.8%) 1317 (0.3%) 3832 (0.2%) 8.03
cavesomething156 (1.7%) 3626 (0.8%) 13084 (0.8%) 23.24
temitchell144 (1.6%) 5300 (1.2%) 43839 (2.6%) 36.81
tanner129 (1.4%) -559 (-0.1%) 6782 (0.4%) -4.33
mardahl116 (1.3%) 1027 (0.2%) 10537 (0.6%) 8.85
qal2180 (0.9%) 980 (0.2%) 5166 (0.3%) 12.25
damn56 (0.6%) 1292 (0.3%) 10980 (0.7%) 23.07
darth_bob44 (0.5%) 776 (0.2%) 1172 (0.1%) 17.64
jbontje26 (0.3%) 835 (0.2%) 884 (0.1%) 32.12


Commit Activity (per author)